
July 04, 2005

Begging The Question

The Strib notes that the principals in the budget debate are working again:

Facing the growing consequences of a partial shutdown of state government...
Er, wait a minute.

What are the consequences?

I've been reading the papers for two days, and the biggest "consequences" I've seen barely qualify as inconveniences; closed rest areas, having to wait for drivers license tests...

Going into the meeting, Johnson said resolving the budget dispute will assume greater urgency after the holiday. The shutdown put about 9,000 [Unmentioned; it's 9,000 out of over 50,000. Less than 18% of the state workforce is affected. The vast majority of state activities are completely unaffected!] state employees out of work. While they can use vacation during the next two weeks, they won't be paid until a budget agreement is reached.
And then, someone at the legislature will ram through a retroactive pay measure.

Just watch.

The DFLers want to spend more money than Republicans on health care and social services and slightly more on public schools. DFLers and Republicans are $150 million to $660 million apart in their proposals for the $30 billion biennual budget, according to recent estimates.
The cynicism of the DFL and its supporters has been shocking throughout this fracas. Pawlenty meets them halfway - with his ill-advised "health impact fees" - and the best the DFL can do is hop up and down and crow "He's flip-flopping on taxes!". Which was true, but lousy politics to harp on it. In the meantime, the DFL's tin ear never fails to astound; as Minnesota emerges from a bruising recession, they continue to put the care and feedding of the bureaucracy above all else in Minnesota.

They're working overtime trying to spin this shutdown as Pawlenty's fault. Leaving aside that the "shutdown" (which isn't really a shutdown at all) is doing wonders to illustrate how much fat there is to trim out there (roughly 18% of the government could be cashiered tomorrow without any lasting ill effect on the taxpayer).

Let 'em stay shutdown indefinitely. The only loser will be AFSCME.

Posted by Mitch at July 4, 2005 07:35 AM | TrackBack

Irrelevant and pointless as usual.

Posted by: Gideon at July 4, 2005 09:56 AM

Let's all just wait till the public "suffering" kicks in, in about six months maybe, if then.

Posted by: RBMN at July 4, 2005 10:40 AM

Eva, you curious little person.

If having beliefs that intersect with the governor's and his administration's policies is "carrying water" to you - enh. Whatever. It wouldn't be the first thing you were irredeemably wrong about.

"Good parroting of the talking points"

Er, right. So unlike your belief, in the face of all rational evidence and clear-minded reading, that Scalia is a theocrat and an activist. Which goes beyond "talking points" and into "sullivanesque monomania".

"Funny how you missed the discussion about the Racino in the article"

Oooh! Eva! You found a coverup! Hie thee to your copy and paste function!

I've spoken against all forms of state gambling over and over again. Not even you can twist context that far.

Oh, wait.

"Sviggum doesn't seem to have much party discipline to impose on Krinkie. "

What's the matter, Eva? Going to start a "dumpkrinkie" website, too? You're going to be the first "Republican" to oppose every single actual Republican candidate for office?

Politics is messy.

Better that Sviggum impose "party discipline" on the pro-choice, pro-tax, pro-gun-control (oh, wait, they pretty much saw the light) hamsters that so completely addle the party.

Posted by: mitch at July 4, 2005 11:06 AM

What about them not processing MinnCare apps?
Alot of people need that desperately. The drivers licences not being processed? There are bigger troubles here but for the most part they hit the lower middle class.
It really doesn't matter which way you point that finger, Pawlenty is going to have trouble in 2006. Minnesotans are bitter.

Posted by: Carmelita at July 4, 2005 01:40 PM

"What about them not processing MinnCare apps?
Alot of people need that desperately."

An inconvenience at best. I can see a provision for back compensation getting passed here also. Count on it.

"The drivers licences not being processed? There are bigger troubles here but for the most part they hit the lower middle class. "

The lower middle class?!? Last time I checked, *everyone* who wishes to drive in this state needs a drivers license, no matter their financial prosperity.

"It really doesn't matter which way you point that finger, Pawlenty is going to have trouble in 2006. Minnesotans are bitter."

If Pawlenty is in trouble, the DFL is more so, because Minnesotans can see which side hasn't made any effort to resolve the buget issue, despite the demagoguery of the Left. Minnesotans may be bitter; as a group, they aren't that stupid.

Posted by: Paul at July 4, 2005 02:37 PM

The drivers licenses? No kidding. I totally agree. It affects everybody whatever class who doesn't currently have one and wants one.
I'm more concerned about people who need health care now and can't get it. I seriously doubt that any compensation that might come from the "inconvenience" would go far toward covering whatever medical expenses a person might rack up in the meantime.
I think its pretty arrogant to say that if you don't agree that this Mexican standoff (no racial slur intended) shows Pawlenty faultless, you could be considered stupid. The republican party in Minnesota is just fine, but Minnesota is not made up entirely of republicans is it? Historically its been a DFL state. This mess is no doubt going to be a huge factor come election time.

Posted by: carmelita at July 4, 2005 03:37 PM

Politics is politics, but business is business. MAPE and AFSCME know full well who blew the deal and insist that the DFL settle this before the real layoffs July 15, including back pay no doubt.

Posted by: R-Five at July 4, 2005 10:03 PM

Why would I start a Dump Krinkie website? I've been thankful to Krinkie for his efforts to stop Hennepin County taxpayers from having to pay for a stadium boondoggle. That's an area where I agree with the GOP platform. I also agree with the GOP platform on gaming. (Your filter won't accept the other G word - and gaming is a watered down synonym for it).

On the issue of abortion, Mitch, I'm curious - what do you want to happen to the women who have abortions? Should they be sent to prison?

Posted by: Eva Young at July 5, 2005 11:26 PM
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