
December 29, 2004

Sucking the Pipe?

Thomas Lifson has an intrigueing premise about Nick Coleman:

... I do see an analogy to a well-known practice of some of those bent on extinguishing their own lives. Certain people with access to a gun lack the guts to pull the trigger and blow their own brains out. So instead, they pull their gun on a police officer and threaten to kill him. The practice is known as "suicide by cop." I think Coleman has invented "career suicide by blogger."
Now, earlier on KerrySpot, Jim Geraghty asked:
Just how bad a column can you turn in at this paper before some editor there says, “Eh, not your best work, go back to the drawing board”? Was there not one editor at the Star Tribune who was willing to say, “You know, Nick, an entire column alleging that your critics have small reproductive organs could come across as a bit on the petty side. Could you put in a paragraph or two about some blogs you like?”

Every writer has his critics, and every blogger has his issues and targets that get under their skin and stir up the passions. I’m as guilty of it as anybody. (COUGHratherCOUGHwonkette- COUGHoreillyCOUGH.) But if I ever turned in a piece as packed-to-the-gills with nasty “I hate my critics” name-calling as this one, I hope Kathryn would utilize her in-case-of-emergency tranquilizer dart gun. (To say nothing of the heck Mrs. Kerry Spot would raise.)

Many people have wondered exactly how Coleman keeps getting his rantings in print.

Maybe it's Anders Gyllenhaal's way of giving Nick Coleman enough rope and saving him the trouble of finding an excuse to fire a columnist that he has to realize is becoming an embarassment?

Just a theory.

Posted by Mitch at December 29, 2004 12:59 PM | TrackBack

I think it's kinda funny that some of the nastier accusations made by Nick toward Powerline (and then indirectly echoed by Lifson) were, in actuality, from Fraters. Specifically St. Paul.

Not bad, I say, not bad at all. I expect you boys will be giving St. Paul his due on Saturday for poking Nicky with that sharp stick to psuh him over the edge and then sit back and watch the fun.


Posted by: jdm at December 29, 2004 02:22 PM

Given that Powerline consists of a bunch of xenophobic elitists, Coleman was right on the money. I don't get it. Why do you make only ad hominem attacks? Maybe you could tell us specifically what you don't like about Coleman.

Proof of xenophobic elitism: see Coleman article. Tee-hee.

Posted by: Blogesota at December 29, 2004 09:57 PM

"Given that Powerline consists of a bunch of xenophobic elitists..."

"Why do you make only ad hominem attacks?"

This silliness just makes me dizzy reading it. The depths of ignorance it betrays is confounding. Obviously you are too lazy. Mitch has a long history with Mr. Coleman if you only read the posts here.

Posted by: A Haliburton xenophobe at December 30, 2004 12:07 AM

I was going to comment on "Blogesota's" unsubstantiated, scurrilous, "ad hominem attacks" on MItch and Powerline, but then I read his blog.

"Hal" is right, read Mitch's blog. He (rarely)resorts to name-calling.

Posted by: James Ph. at December 30, 2004 12:24 AM

Let's see, Coleman got links from Powerline and all of the Northern Alliance, Hugh Hewitt, Jim Geraghty, and he even got an Instalanche. Coleman's column probably got more online hits in the past two days than in the prvious two years combined. The Strib wants to be read, not liked. I'd look for more of this.

Posted by: Patrick at December 30, 2004 08:30 AM

How bad a column do you have to write to get fired from the Star Tribune? I don't know; why don't we ask Jimmy Lileks. My guess would be: A lot worse than this one. Dadddeeeee!

Posted by: Kitty at December 30, 2004 10:06 AM

Hmm, a bunch of xenophobic elitists? Where does that come from? Either part, xenophobic (you do know it means, yes?) or elitist? There's a post or two or even three that proves your point, yes?

Now Coleman doesn't mention either word, so I can only assume that the money that Coleman is right on must be in some foreign currency. I'd sure like an explanation, unless you're just trolling for...

...damn. Walked right into that one. Nevermind.

Posted by: jdm at December 30, 2004 10:12 AM
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