
October 13, 2004

Marrying UP?

KErry's "I'm an example of someone who married up..." HUUUUUUGE gale of laughter. Brian "Saint Paul" Ward - "That's the first time KErry's smiled all night..."

Kerry's "integrity, Integrity, Integrity" line; I asked for a show of hands for everyone who thought it felt forced. Meg from Bush/Cheney: "See how he struggled with that? If he cant' talk about how he loves his family, how can he serve his country?"

Posted by Mitch at October 13, 2004 09:28 PM | TrackBack

He smiled because he stole one of Reagan's best lines to Canada's Brian Mulroney.

Posted by: James Ph. at October 13, 2004 09:35 PM

How many women did that line offend? Heinz looked P.O.'d.

Posted by: Doug at October 14, 2004 12:42 AM

"integrity, integrity, integrity..."
As he spoke those words, I sat up, thinking How could he tell such a lie about his mother? and my phone rang. It was my sister, laughing her ass off, as she intoned "...dignity. Dignity. Dignity." The famous red carpet speech by Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) from the opening of Singin' in the Rain.

Posted by: mlp at October 14, 2004 08:59 AM