
October 06, 2004

Republicans who Hate Republicans?

Nick Coleman's column today is a curious one.

Apparenty he's been able to find a Vietnam veteran whose views coincide with his own.

I can't comment on his interview subject's experiences in Vietnam.

I have to wonder about Nick Coleman's definition of "Republican", though:

"I'm still a Republican," he says. "I'm not leaving the Republican Party. But the Republican Party has been hijacked, and I want to see regime change. This is not an administration -- it's a regime. It is no longer a party of leadership. It is a party of swagger. And swagger is not a Minnesota value. Statesmanship is a Minnesota value."
I have to wonder how it is that Nick Coleman manages to gin up a boundless supply of Republican who just happen to detest everything about the Republican party, and everything it'd seem to stand for?

It'd be like me tapping into a huge, apparently boundless undercurrent of capitalistic, pro-gun, pro-life life-long Democrats who, while loyal party members, happen to irredeemably detest everything about their party.

Posted by Mitch at October 6, 2004 01:40 AM | TrackBack

"In Texas we have a word for swagger. It's called walking."
I haven't lived in Minnesota for several years, but don't people walk there any more?
Coleman is a hack.
I'd love to hear the original recording of the "interview" and compare it to what Coleman wrote.

Posted by: chris at October 6, 2004 10:13 AM

You mean like tapping into the hispanic immigrant population? Or the inner city black business owner population?

Posted by: LT at October 6, 2004 10:48 AM


You're mostly describing the post 9/11 Zell Miller.

Posted by: Mark at October 6, 2004 11:15 PM