
October 01, 2004

Two Words

I want you to remember two words from last night's debate.

KERRY " test..."

Got that? His protestations about Bush's "I'm not going to get a permission slip" line aside, that is exactly what he wants.

Remember those words.

To help remember, please click on the extended entry link, below.

Repeat after me:

Global test. Global test. Globally globally globally test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global testeroo. Globerino testarooney. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Global test. Globe-o Test-o.

Keep repeating it in your mind, or even out loud, until you associate "Kerry" with "Global Test".

Those two words sum up not only why Kerry should not be President, but why he should not be allowed near power.

Got it in your head?

Now tell it to a swing voter.

Posted by Mitch at October 1, 2004 02:11 PM | TrackBack