
September 27, 2004

Operation Shame On You?

Luke Francl from the New Patriot draws our attention to a new project:

Kos diarist Cyberactor is launching Operation Shame On You, a letters campaign that will take on newspapers that endorsed Bush in 2000, contrasting their reasoning with what actually happened in the last four years.
They're reserving some ire for the Pioneer Press, which shocked the whole Twin Cities by endorsing Bush in 2000.

Francl notes:

Some salient points from the PiPress's endorsement:

- Bush led his party towards the center
- Bush doesn't believe slashing taxes is all Americans need
- Bush lacks foreign policy experience (at least they got that right), but his advisors, particularly Dick Cheney will make up for it
- Bush will be a unifying leader

Wow. Where to start?
  • Bush did lead the party toward the center. To get the nomination, he had to neutralize Pat Buchanan and fight off a strong challenge from my guy, Steve Forbes. Since then, he has bought Ted Kennedy's education plan lock, stock and barrel, and spent enough to qualify as a Tip O'Neil-caliber spendthrift.
  • "Taxes all Americans need?" Consider the absurdity of that statement.
  • "Foreign policy experience" - well, I'd say trading some Foggy-Bottom-"Polish" for actually dealing with terrorism is a perfectly acceptable trade.
  • As to being a unifying leader - well, nobody said leadership was a popularity contest. He's unified more than half the nation, and a couple of dozen other nations; it's a free country, and nobody has to follow. Tito was a real unifier.
However, I strongly urge you to support the Pioneer Press; they are the lone Twin Cities daily to make even the most token effort to provide some political balance to the news.

It's a nice switch.

Posted by Mitch at September 27, 2004 05:23 AM | TrackBack