
September 30, 2004

Bottom Five List

I caught this last week on Cold Fury, and figured it was still germane:

Top ten things Kerry and the Democrats would never, ever do merely to get elected:

1. Promote defeatism in a crucial conflict, in direct contradiction of his own past statements, thereby helping to create the very American defeat he falsely claims to be so concerned about
2. Mock and belittle important allies in a pathetic effort to suck up to allies-in-name-only, whose motivation and interests are in direct conflict with the US’s own
3. Attempt to swing an election their way using fraud, deception, and a biased and compliant national media
4. Attempt to undermine the incumbent in time of war by unconscionably spreading lies and innuendo about him and his intentions
5. Ally themselves with people and groups who are clearly unpatriotic and anti-American

....okay, I'm sorry, gang, but after going through those five and mentally striking through them, there's clearly no point in continuing. Obviously, there’s nothing whatsoever that Kerry and the Dems won't do to get elected.

It's going to be interesting watching the parade of dirty tricks in store for the next month.

Posted by Mitch at September 30, 2004 04:08 AM | TrackBack