
August 16, 2004

A is for Always-Read

Steve Silver had a fun idea; go through the blogs on his blogroll in alphabetical order, and explain what it was that put them there. I figured it's a fine idea, if only because it gives me a chance to clean out my blogroll.

Steve, of course, went into much greater depth than I can - he managed to cite favorite posts from each of his blogrolled blogs. I'm going to be a bit more, er, concise. It should be fun, though.

Well, for me, anyway.

Today, the "A"s.

A Small Victory - Michelle Catalano drew my attention the same way she drew everyone else's - with her superlative collection of 9/11 first-hand stories, perhaps the best collective 9/11 memoir I've seen in any medium. Tart, acerbic, and pretty much on everyone's blogroll anyway.

Allah Is In The House - Un-PC, frequently hilarious, and for all that a very keen observer. Kinda what the Rottweiler would be if he still had his edge.

Andrew Sullivan - The blogfather of half the blogosphere. His monomaniacal fixation on gay marriage has been tedious for the most part - and the absurd extremes it's forced him to (endorsing Kerry?) have been nearly embarassing to read. But when he's on, he's still among the best reads out there.

Tomorrow - "B".

Posted by Mitch at August 16, 2004 05:00 AM | TrackBack

Oh hell. Now I've got to come up with a good post or two before Wednesday.

Posted by: Cathy at August 16, 2004 10:40 AM