
July 13, 2004

Josh "ua Micah" Marshall Will Gladly Give You a Scoop Tuesday For A Hamburger Today

In the wake of his embarassing failure in covering the Plame/Wilson non-story, Zonitics (via the Monkeys) note that Josh "ua Micah" Marshall has a curious habit: he habitually writes reportorial checks that he can't cash.

Regarding Wilson/Plame:

When the confirmation of the Iraq/Niger/Uranium story broke in the Financial Times last week, my enthusiasm was slightly guarded because of this post by Josh Marshall (lefty uber-blogger): [Long snippet, coyly and hypothetically impugning the Financial Times story blowing the lid off Wilson/Plame, deleted for brevity].

Nine days later and still nothing on Marshall's blog from Marshall and his colleagues who "know" something different. Instead, today we learn this:

[Admission of failure-disguised-as-snipe-at-Financial Times deleted for brevity]

I would like to believe that Marshall actually knew something when he published his critique of the first Financial Times story. I'd like to think that Marshall wouldn't post something with so much breathless innuendo if there weren't something to back it up.

Unfortunately, Josh Marshall's history leaves one with little reason to believe him when he makes such assertions....[Historical example - and a great one, at that - deleted for brevity]

As you can imagine, after writing that post, I pretty much quit checking out Marshall's blog as a useless waste of my time.As I did, years ago. Kicking Ass gives me the same DNC talking points without the middleman.

Posted by Mitch at July 13, 2004 04:38 AM | TrackBack