
June 14, 2004

The Dinosaur Revolt

Ron Brownstein, of the nation's most overtly liberal newspaper, the LA Times, leads this piece about a group of has-beens and representatives of discredited old policies.

The group - former diplomats and soldiers who reject Bush's Iraq policy - are best described by one of the quotes later in the piece, by a "GOP Strategist":

"For 60 years we believed in quote-unquote stability at the price of liberty, and what we got is neither liberty nor stability," the strategist said. "So we are taking a fundamentally different approach toward the Middle East. That is a huge doctrinal shift, and the people who have given their lives, careers to building the previous foreign policy consensus, see this as a direct intellectual assault on what they have devoted their lives to. And it is. We think what a lot of people came up with was a failure — or at least, in the present world in which we live, it is no longer sustainable."

These are people who devoted their careers to Kissinger-style realpolitik, which bent over backwards to accomodate and maybe, just maybe, subvert evil (a term that didn't exist in their vocabulary) rather than confront it directly. They are the same people who yakked up their skulls when Reagan used the "e" word to refer to the Soviet Union, and they are shocked, shocked, that the US isn't paying obeisance to the UN and to...well, them.

Good riddance to all of them.

The lefty-blogs are reacting with predictable ingenuousness; these people are "experts", ergo their word is all we need. And they say they're not linked with Kerry - well, good enough for them!

I don't care which, if any, candidate they support. In diplomatic terms they're the equivalent of flat-earthers.

Posted by Mitch at June 14, 2004 07:03 AM