
May 05, 2004

Unfit To Command. Unable To Rebut

As noted in Powerline, the Boston Glob has been covering the story of Kerry's former commanders and shipmates' statements.

The left, predictably, is reacting predictably.

You've seen the quotes:

''I do not believe John Kerry is fit to be commander in chief," said retired Rear Admiral Roy Hoffmann, who helped organize the news conference and oversaw all of the swift boats in Vietnam at the time Kerry commanded one of those crafts. ''This is not a political issue; it is a matter of his judgment, truthfulness, reliability, loyalty, and trust -- all absolute tenets of command."
There was much more, of course.

The blogging left, of course, has reacted as expected. The generally-coherent Oliver Willis notes:

They also reveal the people (along with Joe Conason) behind the new round of anti-Kerry smears, spread by the usual suspects at the WSJ
That's right. It's a conspiracy! A vast, right-wing one, even!

Other leftybloggers noted that most of the former sailors were linked with the GOP. Shocking, isn't it - that people who'd fought for this country align with the party that didn't repudiate their efforts and sacrifices?

NOTE TO INSTAPUNDIT READERS: The comment that Glenn called out was from my good friend Brian Jones at Boviosity. If you're not reading Brian, you should be (although you're welcome here too!)

Posted by Mitch at May 5, 2004 07:08 AM

Interesting, isn't it, that the party membership of the swiftboaters is relevant, according to the left, but the activist group membership of the 9/11 families who slam Bush is completely irrelevent.

Posted by: Brian Jones at May 5, 2004 08:50 AM

By this time, O'Neill had been star-spotted by President Nixon, and he met the president at the White House.

(The sunny atmosphere turned a little frostier when O'Neill confided that he'd voted for Hubert Humphrey in '68: "The people all around me were shocked" when he told Nixon he was a Democrat.)

He was also introduced to several Democratic congressmen and senators who didn't like Kerry's slanderous grandstanding.

Posted by: Greg at May 5, 2004 10:26 AM

Man the Dum's playbook is getting a little old, isn't it? How long do you think it will be before the majority of people are finally fed up with the inability of the Dum's to rebut an argument on its facts?

Posted by: the markman at May 5, 2004 10:30 AM

Kerry opened this kettle of worms and its only going to get worse the longer he withholds any of his military records. He should never have brought up military service, just let his friends in the media note it ad nauseum while he brushed it aside. Had he done that:
A. people would respect him more ala Bob Dole and John McCain who wisely let others praise them and keep their mouths shut
B. his service would still have some impact on voters instead of being burned out which it is now.
C. This stuff would look like a real low blow for a guy who wasnt actively holding up his war record. Vietnam was a messy ugly war, we all know that. John Kerry has held himself up in this race as some sort of icon, thats just asking for mud to get splattered your way. Had he wisely kept his mouth shut, right now he could say 'it was a terrible time that i dont like to talk about, but i served the country as best i could' and he'd rightly look like a quiet hero. But since his campaign cant get a sentence out without Vietnam slipping into it, that obviously isnt an option. He tauted his record, now he has to defend it.

Posted by: Mark Buehner at May 5, 2004 11:06 AM

Mark Beuhner,

Kerry had to run on his Vietnam service because that is all he had. Very little in his legislative record would appeal to centrist swing voters. Nothing in the record gave him a creditable National security record. His service got him the Democratic nomination because Democrats thought it would negate the parties national security weakness. He had to hammer on it because that was his edge. It was the only thing that got him to this point.

Now he's stuck with it.

Posted by: Shannon Love at May 5, 2004 11:18 AM

You people just don't get it, do you?

You can't question Kerry's Senate record because he served in Vietnam, and you can't question Kerry's Vietnam service because...uh, because....

Shut up! Dubya's stupid! Right-wing conspiracy! Chickenhawks! YYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!

Posted by: ScottM at May 5, 2004 11:31 AM

Mebbe O-Dub can do with a little less shameless self-promotion on his blog... Media Matters is as shoddy a site as Air America is radio.

Posted by: HH at May 5, 2004 11:33 AM

The Furher Bush likes your site. He has great plans for you.

Posted by: Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller at May 5, 2004 11:43 AM

General! Bubbie!

It's "Führer", or "Fuehrer" if you don't do umläute on your keyboard.

And, er, yeah, like all right-wing bloggers, I await further orders. Which I presume we'll get once you've learned to spell, developed some cultural literacy (look it up) and a sense of humor.

Get cracking! (note to Atrios fans - that's a slang term for "Bust a move", not literally an order to go sell crack).

Posted by: mitch at May 5, 2004 11:50 AM

[NOTE: Supporting links at the end of this component]

A question which nobody has asked Kerry: "Were you a sworn officer in the U.S. Navy or the U.S. Regular Naval Reserve when you committed your anti-war campaign.

Kerry tried to cover this up on his web site, but the truth is now available.

The answer: He was on active duty while flying an anti-war activist (Walinski) to various anti-war speeches.

He was in the Regular Reserve (inactive status) when he committed all of his anti-war actions including giving his fabric-of-lies testimony to the U.S. Senate - painting all of us who served in Vietnam as monsters, America as an atrocity-approving country, and recommending that we unconditionally surrender, abandon our allies, without any guarantee of getting our POW's back. The entire speech (see links below) is both shocking in it's allegations , it's anti-Americanism, it's lack of balance, and the huge number of lies.

Inactive status only meant that he didn't have to appear at drills, but he was recallable at any moment if the reserve was activated, and his oath as a sworn officer was still in effect. The Boston Globe falsely reported that Kerry got an honorable discharge in 1970 [Note 1].
See here for an annotated version of his speech. A link to the original transcript a CSPAN can also be found there.

You have to ask yourself if you want as CIC a man who lied to get out of combat (according to both his CO and the doctor who removed the shrapnel piece), who is still lying, running on his short four month record while accusing the man who had to serve the rest of Kerry's tour once he left of being a "Nixon Shill," who lied about Bush's service and whose operatives said the National Guard was "the easy way out" implying all National Guardists were and are cowards (National Guardists are in combat in Iraq right now. I know one of them).

Finally, a note on the atrocity issue. There are atrocities in all wars. America and democracies try to prevent them, and when we fail, we punish the perpetrators. My Lai and some actions of "Tiger Force" were, contrary to Kerry's statement to the Senate, the rare exception rather than the rule.

[Note 1: The issue is important because Kerry did not become a civilian until he got an honorable discharge, which was actually granted in 1978 - easily verifiable from his own website. The reporter, whom I have advised by email using as proof Kerry's own service record from his site, has yet to correct that error as far as I know. That same reporter has written all of the Globe's Kerry articles that I have seen (although I am not a regular reader),

The reporter, whom I have advised by email using as proof Kerry's own service record from his site, has yet to correct that error as far as I know. That same reporter has written all of the Globe's Kerry articles that I have seen, so far (although I am not a regular reader).]

Boston Globe story with wrong discharge year:

Kerry's reported and actual service dates:

First report of his attempted cover-up of service dates:

Kerry's "fabric-of-lies" speech to the Senate in 1971 - annotated:

Posted by: John Moore (Useful Fools) at May 5, 2004 01:47 PM

I believe it is difficult for those who do not remember the time to understand just how offensive, how shocking, and how defammatory Kerry's words and actions as antiwar protester really were.

Remember the outrage at the Ted Rall cartoon mocking Pat Tillman?

Well, that might be the closest approximation in recent events to what Kerry did in the early 1970's.

Kerry slandered the same "band of brothers" he now wants to call his own and parade as a campaign tool.

Let's not forget: Kerry's own speeches were played to American POWs by the North Vietnamese as an instrument of torture. That is pretty damning.

Posted by: Another Thought at May 5, 2004 02:23 PM

Another, that's occurred to me. It's worth asking the vets who surround Kerry if they, too, committed war crimes.

Heck, if, indeed, they're all real vets. He has a history of consorting with fakes.

Posted by: Brian Jones at May 5, 2004 03:13 PM