
May 03, 2004

Ted Rall: Pustule

I try to avoid inflammatory rhetoric. I really do.

I try to avoid letting my baser side have free rein. Ever.

But sometimes, it's just not easy.

Michelle Catalano does this sort of thing better than me, anyway:

Dear Ted,

Should you and I ever cross paths one day (and the time is getting close to where I will do my best to make that happen), I will risk the chances of going to jail just for that one moment of joy I will feel when my fist meets your face. You are a blight upon the human race and a disgrace to your profession. Yet, you are too stupid and self-absored to realize just how much of an idiot you are. I don't know whether to pity you or kick you in your small, shriveled balls.

Part of me wants to offer to hold Rall while she does it.

The part of me realizes that Ted Rall is like that little jagoff who sat in the back of English class making rude noises and giggling at the ruckus he caused.

Too stupid to worry about, really.

Posted by Mitch at May 3, 2004 09:55 PM

This jerk gets his attention-demanding jollies writing this crap. This is undoubtedly a sad little man.

Posted by: the markman at May 3, 2004 10:17 PM

As soon as I heard about Tillman, I knew it was only a matter of time until the creepy little leftists started this crud. The left today has only one thought in its mind "Oppose the majority." It does not matter what the subject is, and the more the majority reveres it, the more they will hate it. They don't think, don't question, they just oppose. Chomsky will provide their fake arguments, Zinn will provide their fake history.
It's really sort of a "I hate the world and everybody in it club". They take pleasure in being a boil on the ass of society.
I will help you hold him down.

Posted by: Penraker at May 4, 2004 06:58 AM

This has to be Turd Roil's nightmare: safely attacking a dead man who could have pounded him into the dirt, only to be physically threatened by a living woman who could undoubtedly do the same.

Your word is the only one that applies. What a jagoff. Will this be the final straw for his career?

Posted by: Brian Jones at May 4, 2004 08:20 AM