
February 07, 2002

Speaking of which...

Channel 9's morning show (Mmmm - Alex Kendall!) is running a poll on what Minnesotans feel about Concealed Carry laws. Go to the site, it'll ping you for a vote.

As of about three minutes ago, it was running 3-1 in favor. Now, of course the poll is utterly non-scientific. On the other hand, I doubt you can show me that Channel 9's morning audience (Mmmmm, Alex Kendall!) is skewed terribly to the right. Can you?

By the way, Channel 9's morning show did a Keys Cafe, in St. Paul! Oh, THERE's a representative sample, the middle of St. Paul's arts 'n croissant ghetto! Why not do the interview at the DFL headquarters, while you're at it?

Snack food for thought.

Posted by Mitch at February 7, 2002 06:39 AM