
May 12, 2002

News Vs. Propaganda - As

News Vs. Propaganda - As rumors of impending war against Iraq quietly mount, 60 Minutes ran an article on tonight's broadcast about the aftermath of the post-Gulf-War gas attacks on Halabja. Saddam Hussein attacked this Kurdish village with nerve gas (attacking victim's central nervous systems) and mustard gas (causing horrendous skin and respiratory burning) after his defeat in the Gulf War. Hundreds died. Many more suffer from cancer, respiratory diseases, and hellish skin and nerve ailments.

Watching tonight's report (which I believe may have been a repeat), I had to wonder - why now? It's a horrifying and utterly compelling report - and watching it moves you to demand action for those responsible, while realizing what that means - toppling the Iraqi dictator.

So - is propaganda a Bad Thing if it moves a nation to move against an evil that, if we wanted to, we could let lie for a while? Who's not directly threatening us?


Much more to come.

Bad Medicine - Speaking of Sixty Minutes; another piece broaches a long-overdue issue: balanced coverage over the medical-industrial complex' politicized approach to guns.

It's about time.

Posted by Mitch at May 12, 2002 06:44 PM