
September 06, 2002

Hussein's War on the US

Hussein's War on the US - Honestly, I'm never quite sure when to suspend my disbelief.

Jason Lewis was all over a story last night which has been making the rounds of the conservative samizdat media (talkradio and the Internet) for months, now - the alleged connections between the Oklahoma City bombing, the first WTC bombing in 1993, and Saddam Hussein. The story has bubbled up from the "right-wing" media to the rightward edge of the mainstream, with its publication in the Wall Street Journal yesterday.

It doesn't all add up. And the fact that it was broken on WorldNet Daily - a conservative outlet which is about 15% excellent reportage and 50% hysteria - doesn't help. While WND has broken some great stories, they also contended for a while that Bill Clinton was responsible for the sale of transfusable blood from Arkansas prison inmates that led to a large number of AIDS deaths.

You see what we're dealing with, right? The conservative alternative media has some credibility issues, not only among the "mainstream" liberal media (who'll doubt everything not issued under their imprimatur) but among a lot of regular people who remember the Blue Dress and the Mid-Fellatio Phone Calls (both broken by conservative outlets), but also the AIDS scandal and the Clinton Love Child.

Do I want it to be true? It's irrelevant. If it is, it's a smoking gun leading to Hussein, and also perhaps the most egregious coverup in American history.

So my jury is out. For now.

Times Bias...again
- Coulter, on the NY Times' endless bias on reporting terrorist incidents.

Unless they're "right wing..."

Posted by Mitch at September 6, 2002 11:48 AM