
April 07, 2004

Rocket Watch

Rocket Watch - Last January, when Hugh Hewitt gathered the Northern Alliance for lunch, he asked us all to submit our predictions for the election.

The most optimistic was Hewitt, who predicted a crushing landslide.

I felt I was being fairly pragmatic, giving the election to Bush by (if I recall correctly) about 100 electoral votes on a careful, state-by-state rundown. Turns out I was among the more optimistic voters, but not by much. Most of us predicted a Bush win, although a tight race.

The most famously pessimistic voter was John "Rocket Man" Hinderaker, from Powerline. John has consistently predicted a Kerry victory, for a wide variety of reasons.

Today, as part of his continuing job of chronicling the wheels falling off the Kerry kampaign, Rocket Man notes that the latest Rasmussen Poll shows that voters prefer Bush not only on terrorism, but increasingly on the economy as well. I don't know if this news incorporates last week's job news - while noting that Kerry leads overall, most likely due probably to uncertainty about Iraq.

So - a big question for this weekend's Northern Alliance Radio Network program is "is Rocket Man still worried?" And why?

More as the week progresses.

Posted by Mitch at April 7, 2004 07:15 AM