Stupid Like A Fox

Allahpundit at Hot Air on the administration’s push on amnesty for illegals, quoting his former boss Michelle Malkin, notes that while these things pop up from time to time…

…maybe this time is different.

Obama took up the issue privately with his staff Monday in a bid to advance a bill through Congress before lawmakers become too distracted by approaching midterm elections…

If anyone can deliver immigration reform to America, it’s an “assertive” president with a 45 percent approval rating who’s lost three big state elections in a row.

But this isn’t about giving green cards to illegals:

The wild card is the GOP. Obama obviously wants to use this as wedge issue, to try to cut the Dems’ losses in November by reminding Latino voters that Republicans are “nativists” or whatever.

It’s an attempt at a wedge and a distraction; Obama believes he can count on a thick film of GOP sovereignty activists to put a crack in the party’s opposition, and get the Tea Party – whose members are largely anti-illegal-immigration, but it’s not the Parties’ focus by any means – to divert its attention.

So will Obama’s fragile, panicky cohort of Blue Dogs stay the curse?

Course, I mean.  Will they stay the course?

9 thoughts on “Stupid Like A Fox

  1. It might just be for entertainment. It’s always funny to watch you right-wing kooks jump up and down about immigration while pretending you aren’t racists, no siree!

  2. “jump up and down about immigration”

    Here, let me fix that one for you.

    “jump up and down about illegal-immigration”

    there, all better.

  3. Unemployment is 10.4% (unadjusted), higher than that for men without a high school diploma.
    What a great time to get the amnesty train going again!
    When Bush & McCain pushed amnesty a few years ago they lost badly. Like health care, “fixing” the problem is ugly, especially if it involves a “guest worker” program and giving preferential immigration status to people who engaged in identity theft.
    I say bring it on.

  4. The Dems don’t have to win to get you rabble saying ignorant things about immigrants. That’s the beauty part.

  5. what is it about immigrants vs. illegal immigrants that you don’t understand AC? Outside of that wacko Tom Tancredo can you find ANYONE on the right that is against LEGAL immigration? Seriously man get a grip, if you want to come here don’t do it by climbing under/over a fence, file papers and do it legitimately! We all know how you lefties love the illegal immigrants because they are free votes for you come election day since we don’t even have to show ID to vote.

  6. Whereas we don’t even need a campaign to get Clownie saying ignorant things.

  7. question… who has a bigger foot-in-mouth disease; the liberal commentators on this blog or VP Joe Biden

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