13 thoughts on “Communicating With The MN DFL: Part IX

  1. I’ve been reading about this scam for months. No MSM coverage.
    In my working life I’ve paid $500,000 in federal income taxes. If I had been able to keep those bucks, I would have a nicer home & more prosperous retirement. Garland throws away that much and more because Bureaucrats, many with advanced degrees, haven’t figured that that you don’t house male & female inmates together. Jesus.
    Noelle described in the follow-up report from the media group an alleged “million-dollar baby” scheme where trans-identifying male and female federal inmates involved in a pregnancy sue the WCCW that results in high-dollar settlements funded by taxpayers.

  2. in prison where they tend to rape bio-women

    Tend to? You have statistics on this?

    It would seem to me that *all* men pretending to be women would be a danger to women as rapists in a women’s prison. It’s like a gold mine of rape victims.

  3. jdm
    there is case law in several states which establishes that any sex in a prison is rape because incarcerated people don’t have the legal ability to consent.

  4. Having been a “justice involved” individual is a marker for a lot pathologies, meaning if you have spent significant time in custody you probably have many psychological problems that may not be indicated by whatever crime you have committed. Meaning there are lot of disturbed men and women in prison.
    The DSM reflects this, or it used to.
    But current orthodoxy among our educated class is that people become “justice involved” due to external forces like racism, sexism, and capitalism.

  5. It should be noted here that rape by people who are, or are pretending to be, trans is not just in prisons, but also in locker rooms, bathrooms, and other “female only spaces”.

    And regarding women in sport, it’s worth noting that trans athletes not only take prizes intended for women, but also drive the fans away. There are a lot of fans out there who do not want to watch an obvious guy beat the ladies.

  6. From Fluffy’s propaganda piece, Prosecutors pursued a more ambitious theory in the Proud Boys case, arguing in court filings and hearings that the group planned to rile up the crowd, effectively mobilizing the mob of Mr. Trump’s supporters

    Rile up the crowd… Isn’t that what multiple videos showed Ray Epps doing?

  7. Re: My 7:57.
    Consider the crazy person who died while being restrained in the NY subway yesterday. The Lefties (like Ocasio-Cortez) are blaming racism and capitalism for his death.
    The guy seems to have been a violent schizophrenic.

  8. The twitter left is going mad about Jordan Neely. People who are fairly highly ranked journalists and who are unafraid to use their real name claim that if the guy who restrained Neely is not charges with murder, it means that in America it is now okay to murder homeless people.
    It is the typical cringe worthy insanity you expect, these days, from people who believe that some women have a penis and can impregnate a man.
    Obviously this is not an attempt to corral the votes of homeless crazy people. It is virtue signalling raised to a high art, intended to make you identify with us good people or them bad people.
    And of course none of these people would have reacted with anything other than terror and loathing if Neely had gotten into their face and demanded sandwich money.

  9. It is very odd . . .
    Liberals question every detail of the trial & conviction of a defendant they sympathize with. And believe me, given the far left bias of most lawyers and legal scholars they can do this. But when a defendant they hate is pronounced guilty they act as though the Word of God has come down from On High.
    Another symptom of the insanity that makes them insist that women can rape impregnate men. It is really a wonder that they look into the mirror and see a rational person, made, perhaps, more beautiful by their alignment and the right, when the rest of us see a hulking man in a dress with his hair dyed blue.

  10. The idea that “transgender youth” need to be “transitioned” with puberty blockers and cross sex hormones is not science. There are no reputable, long term studies that indicate that this is best treatment choice for troubled children. It is folklore, and a hoax. It is medicine by anecdote.

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