What’s Ojibwe For “Buuuurn”?

Lieutenant, governor Flanigan – who is known to wear an Anishanabe costume when it suits her, politically – was crowing about Minnesota being on the brink of adopting, the most radical abortion law in the country., and one of the worst in the world:

Former senator Matt Dean caught her on the facts.


But Representative Donna Bergstrom – also an Ojibwe – had the burn that we’ve been looking for:

I bet the Ojibwe had words for “murder”, “outsider who’s not supposed to be among us without some scrutiny”, and “petty tyrant”.

32 thoughts on “What’s Ojibwe For “Buuuurn”?

  1. Political discussion by “burn” and counter-burn is stupid. Nothing changes. Just look at the follow-up tweets to Ms Bergstrom’s.

    Dean’s comment was quite good in laying out the ramifications but I don’t think he understands that the pro-abortion crowd is so obsessed with killing babies that there are no limits. Were they open about their goals, they still would’ve been elected.

  2. So when Roe was overturned I engaged in a Facebook discussion with a typical Lib. I told her the objective of the Dems was to have abortion on demand up until birth. She replied disingenuously, “of course not. that’s not what we’re for’. And her ‘friends on Facebook’ told me I was totally insensitive.

    They will say one thing and do another. I haven’t seen this lib (or others) criticize Minnesota’s new law.

    Just on another note— as a female with 3 daughters, I am sickened and appalled by this law.

  3. Wisconsin abortion law is extreme going the other way. Abortion approved only to save the life of the mother, and a woman that seeks an illegal abortion can be prosecuted (tho it has never happened).
    Wisconsin GOP picked up seats in the WI state legislature & the US house.
    The GOP controls the WI state legislature with near veto-proof majorities in the house & senate.
    MN is the outlier in the upper Midwest. I suspect that the reason the DFL won in MN is the media environment & greater state influence in local politics.

  4. Elections aren’t held in a vacuum. The majority of Minnesota voters have been/are pro choice. The far right positions of the Jensen/Birk campaign accelerated legislative “consequences”. The kitty litter nonsense will also do that. BTW — anyone heard from Birk recently or did he return to Florida and stop pretending he lived in Minnesota…

  5. Elections aren’t held in a vacuum. The majority of Minnesota voters have been/are pro choice. The far right positions of the Jensen/Birk campaign accelerated legislative “consequences”.

    The DFL may have over-extended themselves in interpreting the thrashing the “far-right” candidates in the election was a mandate for them to move to the far Left. Allowing abortion up until birth is an extremist position, one that moderate pro-choice voters in the DFL may not forget.

    Pendulums swing both ways, and their natural tendency is to spend the most time close to the center.

  6. jdm on January 31, 2023 at 11:23 am said:

    Dean’s comment was quite good in laying out the ramifications but I don’t think he understands that the pro-abortion crowd is so obsessed with killing babies that there are no limits.

    This is because they view abortion a positive good.
    MN’s abortion law is far more radical than any European nation’s abortion law. This is because it is designed to placate the far left that controls the Democrats these days.

  7. Imagine if the GOP celebrated reinstituting the death penalty in MN the way the DFL is celebrating the PRO act.

  8. the Right Honorable Ms Flanagan is what American Indians call An Apple; Red on the outside, White on the inside.

  9. Roe sought to give each side a partial victory preserving the rights of each woman while protecting viable fetuses equally across all jurisdictions. SCOTUS now has closed the door to any reason and any equality ensuring that power available will be used to the extreme at any opportunity.

  10. Emery

    once again the craven attempt to subvert morality, you’re such a peach Emery, why not muster up some of your moral superiority and answer this question…

    At what point in your mother’s pregnancy with you would it have become unacceptable for her to abort you?

  11. <i<The far right positions of the Jensen/Birk campaign accelerated legislative “consequences”.

    They also accelerated executive “consequences”.


    No alleged medical malpractice nor fraud. Merely expressing an opinion is now just cause for government to come after your license and livelihood. Anyone who supports this action needs to drop the fraudulent sham concept that they are not a tyrannical authoritarian.

  12. I hate to disagree with someone who agrees with me on a lot, but I’m going to guess that in a community with as much poverty as the Ojibwe here in MN, a fair number of abortions are performed among them, whether or not it’s reflected in their language.

    But that said, it is important to note that when we’re dealing with the broader question of whether abortion is permissible, I think we still need to address questions like “does abortion work to hide sexual assault and statutory rape?” (it does), “does abortion work to benefit ‘cads’ and ‘players’?” (it does), and “does abortion contribute to the spread of STDs by reducing the perceived cost of fornication?”.

    To me, it sounds like those who are unapologetically pro-abortion, like our Lt. Governess, are all for young, vulnerable women being raped, given STDs, and treated in general like s**t by loser men.

  13. It’s possible Republican opposition to unlimited abortion frightened some voters into going democrat. But it’s undoubted the Democrats lied about their objective, using the modest language they’ve always used to get elected and then pretending their election gave them an unlimited mandate.

    Remember safe legal and rare?

  14. So weasel Nathan Coulter, who is my worthless rep, was at the West Bloomington Cub last evening, with his family. I came in at the end, but my understanding was that a few of those “suburban moms” that the DemoCommies always cackle about, were apparently giving him an earful. I heard a couple of “you lied to us! You betrayed us”! “You are all disgusting!” and several “I’ll never vote for a Democrat again, especially you!” Apparently, his wife and kids were in tears. I’m not supporting this type of action when kids are present, but I’m not turning the other cheek anymore. Those rat bastards don’t care about anyone else’s kids, especially those of color, so I say he deserves it.

  15. Men are bigger than women are, stronger, more aggressive and more intelligent.
    If men can hire a womb, a caregiver, and a p*ssy, what use are wives?
    This is simply the inverse of the argument feminists are making.

  16. boss, sorry for being so dense, but what were those women complaining about? The abortion package? How did the guy betray them?

  17. UMMP, feminists have been allowed to say what they say because men provide the protection and permit them to do so.

  18. I heard a couple of “you lied to us! You betrayed us”! “You are all disgusting!” and several “I’ll never vote for a Democrat again, especially you!” Apparently, his wife and kids were in tears.

    I don’t believe this will result in any introspection on his part.

  19. I just spent a week down in and around Merida, Mexico. Toured some Mayan ruins, temples and cenotes. The cenotes are deep water holes that the Mayans thought were the connection to the underworld. They were also used in some places to offer sacrifices to the rain god, Chaac. Human sacrifices. 60% of the bones found at the bottom of one cenote were of children and infants. The Mayans wanted to stay on the good side of Chaac, so it was religiously necessary to sacrifice some kids; anyone opposed to it would essentially be a heretic.

    New age, new gods, but still the same old evil (or the same old gods, with new names).

  20. I think abortion is barbaric, but I’m happy the degenerates have got their wish.

    The more barbarism, the more degeneracy, the more de-humanism leftists engage in, the more normies will realize we cannot live with them, and the closer we get to splitting the country into 2 or more more manageable nations.

    They’re murdering, raping and debauching children without apology now. They’ve usurped the rule of law. They’ve removed the opportunity to vote them out through fair elections. …shouldn’t be too much longer.

  21. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 01.31.23 : The Other McCain

  22. Thanks, boss.

    I find that episode to be revealing. First of all, as a native MN, to accost someone at a grocery store – apparently multiple women? – is highly unusual. Once that mold is broken…

    Second, what in god’s name did these women think they were voting for? A little less abortion?

  23. jdm.
    Well, just like my wife, they were gaslit by the lying DemoCommies and never thought that they would go off the deep end. Based on all of the grief that I got from her, my sister in law and my daughter, I derived tremendous satisfaction that everything that I told them would happen, is happening, but faster than even I expected. Of course, I tempered that with my profound sadness that the ones that screamed the loudest about “women’s rights”, are the most soulless, extremist ones.

  24. Pig, I’m seriously bummed that you proved me right on Ojibwe abortion rates. Dangit.

    A side note is that if one is not pro-life in terms of people groups with which one disagrees, one is not pro-life at all.

  25. that is the problem with voters thinking their district rep is a moderate so its okay to vote for her

    she caucuses with extremists and votes in lockstep with them despite her personal beliefs and her campaign promises

    in other words housewives, you f**d up, you trusted them.

  26. Second, what in god’s name did these women think they were voting for? A little less abortion?

    They were voting for “Abortion Nice”.

    Also, I looked a little further into the children bones found in the cenotes: DNA indicates the sacrificed weren’t from the immediate community…so, “child trafficking” as well. We know which party is fine with that, too.

  27. SCOTUS now has closed the door to any reason and any equality ensuring that power available will be used to the extreme at any opportunity.

    First off, SCOTUS did no such thing. Roe was BAD LAW. Even Saint RBG conceded that.

    Secondly, it’s too soon to deem the actions of the Minnesota DFL without consequence.

    Fifty years. The Democrats had FIFTY YEARS to codify abortion at the national level.

  28. “ A side note is that if one is not pro-life in terms of people groups with which one disagrees, one is not pro-life at all.”

    That’s just the sort of weak, ill considered comment we’ve come to expect from you Bikebubble.

    Berg thinks the GOP is worth saving; I disagree vehemently, but I don’t want his progeny slagging his grandkids because he’s a bit slow in the uptake.

    I’m kind of “on the bubble” with yours though 😂

    I kid…I kid

  29. Pro tip, Swiftee; if your comments work better in the original German, and they do, reconsider.

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