Open Letter To All Progressives

To: Every Single Progressive
From: Mitch Berg, Obstreperous Peasant
Re: Berg’s 18th Law

To some extent, I created Berg’s 18th Law to protect me, and people like me, from going out on long, brittle factual limbs.

The law is pretty clear:

Nothing the media writes/says about any emotionally charged event – a mass shooting, a police shooting, anything – should be taken seriously for 48 hours after the original incident.  It will largely be rubbish, as media outlets vie to “scoop” each other even on incorrect facts.

But after a couple of days of listening to people like you claiming that all conservative social and economic thought was a form of “stochastic terror” aimed directly at LGBTQIAetcetc people, it’s worth noting that I wrote it even more for you.

26 thoughts on “Open Letter To All Progressives

  1. I gotta admit that term “stochastic terror” sounds real bad. I mean, probably no more than a plurality know that it refers to something described by a random probability distribution, but the look and sound of the word… well, it’s got that hard ‘k’ sound for ‘ch’, like in German (who were Nazis, you know). So, it’s an obvious description of MAGA-diot terror.

  2. It is highly important to them that, as facts on the ground change while they are framing and maintaining a political narrative, they must never admit that they are framing and maintaining a political narrative.
    See “death of George Floyd,” “death of Trayvon Martin,” “death of Michael Brown,” etc.

  3. They want to remind you that men trying to pass as women suffer from violence more than men who are not trying to pass as women, but they really, really, really don’t want you to look at the details surrounding those acts of violence against men trying to pass as women.
    Unherd to the rescue:
    Three of the nine victims were murdered by a violent punter while working as prostitutes; another was killed by their husband, who lived on her earnings from prostitution. Another of the victims died at the hands of someone who was also trans-identifying. Another was a gay man who cross-dressed occasionally, and the motive for the murder has been ascribed to both transphobia and homophobia. Two of the murders were linked to drug use.
    BTW, to get the article I did a google search of “the truth behind violence against trans women”
    I had to get through 2 1/2 pages of links to what were basically pro-trans propaganda aericles and web sites before I got to the link to the Unherd article.

  4. I think it’s worth mentioning as the Narrative continues to evolve that the hero of this saga, the (white) guy who stopped the shooter is (self-declared) straight. And the shooter is non-binary who’s pronouns are they/them.

  5. Looking forward to hearing the shooter described as an “aspiring rapper.”

  6. That’s weird…. a day after we found out the “Club Q” shooter was a non-binary “they/them”….a NEW mass shooting takes place in Virginia.

    Gotta shift the narrative!

  7. The latest is that the military vet “hero” who tackled the mentally ill victim of Grooming had brought his kids to that fetid cesspool of degeneracy.

    This whole thing is blowing up into a real mess for the Grooming community. Matt Walsh and Libs of Tic Toc are dragging them around by their wigs, and they are only getting support from other Groomers (funny thing; they all have Ukraine flags on their profiles…huh). It’s a really bad look.

    Texas is fixing to enact a law that will designate drag shows as “sexual entertainment” which will make the filthy cesspools that hold them off limits to anyone under the age of 18.

    This is the beginning of the end. The degenerates have finally gone a bridge too far, and it’s a beautiful thing to behold.

  8. Just dashed off a note to my state Rep and Senator asking why Texas is leading the charge to protect kids from degenerates. Let’s get this rolling, right here boys!

  9. Blade Nzimande on November 23, 2022 at 9:32 am said:
    Just dashed off a note to my state Rep and Senator asking why Texas is leading the charge to protect kids from degenerates.

    Lindsay Graham?

  10. Don’t worry MP, MN native son Emmer will put a kibosh on taking this to the national level.

  11. Lol no, UMMP. I’m sure a look through Lindsay’s laptop would drown out Hunter’s collection by a mile.
    Tom Corbin is my state Senator. Good man.

  12. Me: I don’t think that men cross-dressing should be promoted to children as acceptable behaviour.
    Emmer: Whoa! That’s kind of an extreme opinion, fella!

  13. Minnesota is a shithole state, UMMP. And the GOP is a shithole party. Emmer is doing what he has to do to keep his grift going.

  14. Emery is now surprised to discover that guns are involved in shootings.
    Next Emery will announce his discovery that every single stabbing has involved a sharp object.
    I’m beginning to think that Blade is correct, Emery has gin-induced early onset dementia.

  15. ^^ Does the NYT have multiple full time journalists on the mass shooting and gun lobby beat yet?

  16. Say, rAT? Did your last child molestation involve a vegetable? Many such cases


  17. One of the lies that the anti-gun people tell themselves is that the people are with them, but them evil Republican politicians are terrified of the NRA.
    That way the anti-gun people can lie themselves into believing that liberal gun laws are non-democratic and are only supported by the relatively small number of NRA members and cowardly, evil Republican politicians who care more about pro-gun money and endorsements than they care about children. What wicked people they are! How saintly the anti-gun people are in comparison!
    The truth is that pro second amendment politicians vote the way that they do because a majority of their constituents want them to protect their second amendment rights. Pro gun people elect pro gun politicians, just as anti-gun people elect anti-gun politicians.

  18. If I can believe part of what the MSM has reported about one of the men who tackled and beat down the shooter, the veteran had taken his family to the Q Club in order to watch a drag queen show. Not mentioned were the ages and genders of his family. I ask: who in the world wants to watch grown men dressing up in hypersexualized garb pretending to be women? What kind of kick does that produce? The State Fair no longer has a freak show. That’s insensitive to disabled people. So we should pay mentally ill people to pretend they are what they’re not?

  19. I ask: who in the world wants to watch grown men dressing up in hypersexualized garb pretending to be women?

    Haven’t you ever seen Birdcage?

  20. new study says twice as many americans carry guns as in the past

    “This ruling could further catalyze the loosening of firearm-carrying regulations in different parts of the country at a time when, as our study indicates, trends in handgun carrying already point to more US adults carrying loaded handguns in public places, including without a permit when a permit is required.”

    read that last clause again. the supreme court is responsible for people carrying guns without a permit when a permit is required. All those yutes in minneapolis jacking cars, spinning tires, shooting out the windows, they’re all clarence thomas’ fault. damn that second amendment anyway

  21. if only thomas had ruled the other way the nonbinary shooter would not have illegally carried the gun used to kill sexual deviants

    you know what i am skeptical that his conclusion can be drawn from his data analysis

    i suggest the strongest conclusion to be drawn is that more of the people you selected to ask, admitted to carrying a gun. Sample size, selection bias, honesty of response, regional cultural differences, and fear of reprisal seem like insurmountable problems with extrapolating the study results nationwide.

    but hey we got dead gays so never let a crisis go to waste amirite

  22. Something to note here is that the veteran’s daughter–the one whose boyfriend was murdered–was 22. So there is no issue of anybody bringing kids in to see the drag show in this case. Gross show, just like one would find in innumerable bars for straight men and “gentleman’s clubs”, but we are not talking about grooming or child abuse here.

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