A Plan So Simple, John Fetterman Could Carry It Off

Douglas McKinnon, in The Hill, suggests an option for Democrats uneasy about Joe Biden as President in 2024 (with emphasis added):

That reality speaks to the need for a proven vote-getter with lots of money and a logistical machine behind him. In Politics 101, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) meets — maybe even exceeds — those qualifications…

…If the answer is “yes,” the “solution” is really not complicated at all. In one scenario, Biden could ask Harris to resign and replace her with Newsom, who then becomes the heir apparent for 2024. Or Biden could replace Harris with Newsom and then resign himself, making Newsom the president before 2024 and arming him with the full force of the Oval Office.

Now, I may just be a caveman, but I see nothing in Article II, Section 1 about the President appointing the Veep under any circumstances.


Still, Mr. McKinnon might be onto something.

Biden can’t “appoint” a Vice President. But he can appoint his cabinet.

So here’s the plan the Dems could use:

Alternate plan:

  1. Appoint Newsom Secretary of State
  2. Spread the word that Harris, Pelosi and Leahy have dirt on Hillary.
  3. Resign.
  4. Await the suicides of Harris, Pelosi and Leahy.
  5. Newsom becomes president via order of succession.

It makes as much sense as McKinnon’s idea, and is actually (more or less) Constitutional…

…for all that’ll matter for the next two years.

24 thoughts on “A Plan So Simple, John Fetterman Could Carry It Off

  1. but I see nothing in Article II, Section 1

    Libturds started caring what constitution says? Who knew!? Pen and a phone, Mitch, pen and a phone.

  2. Republicans having a razor-thin majority in the house may actually be a blessing in disguise for Democrats.

    Why? Because if McCarthy gets the speaker job (this is not guaranteed even if Republicans get a majority), he will be led around by bona fide Trump-for-life crazies like Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz and Paul Gosar due to his lack of vote cushion.

    That in turn means a Republican house will make itself look perpetually stupid for two years straight trying to impeach Biden for eating ice cream and running Benghazi 2.0 on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

    This will give Biden the chance to look like the responsible adult, and Democrats to appear as a bulwark of sanity against whackos, while being able to blame house gridlock on their lack of ability to pass further legislation (while still getting key things done in the senate).

  3. That logic goes just as easily in the other direction. A couple of defectors and the Democrats would have enough votes to get something passed.

  4. 🚨Slightly OT
    I think the real new innovation this cycle was spending in the primaries to boost un-electable opponents. Going forward, I expect that to be much more popular, since it was the reason that a historically weak batch of MAGA Republicans survived to the generals.

    It’s cynical and despicable, but that’s politics. Democrats again led the way, and they were rewarded.

  5. Emery, appears that Gaetz is already squabbling with “Jewish space laser” Greene, so it stands to reason that McCarthy can play them against one another and get something done, just like Pelosi can play the Squad against the saner members of her party.

    Regarding succession for Biden, I think a coherent GOP platform for 2024, along with candidates that are not chosen for their attention deficit disorder, and who have some acquaintance with “3 yards and a cloud of dust”, would do a world of good. I would dare suggest that the GOP could even court feminists by pointing out that there are reasons for womens’ sports, and that it’s a bad idea to “trans women” into these competitions.

  6. I don’t know about y’all, but since the government mainlined early and absentee voting, and elections now take days or weeks to decide, my confidence in American Democracy has never been higher.

  7. I don’t think ol’ Slow Joe is going to quit the race. Unless maybe his bosses threaten to send Hunter to prison.
    I can’t help but believe that the Dems, the R’s, Biden, and Trump think that they are trying to game things like 4D chess, but from here it looks like water ballet done by retards who can’t swim.

  8. 25th amendment provides for President to nominate replacement VP, subject to majority vote of both houses of Congress. Hmmmmm. Could be a problem there.

  9. ^^Emery is playing dumb again. He knows that in the old days, before covid, virtually all election results were known by the next day. Not anymore. I am record commenting on SITD that it damages citizens’ faith in democracy to have election results delayed for weeks or to change after ballot dumps.
    Anyways, empirical data (I love empirical data!) shows that voter confidence in the integrity of elections has decreased overall since measures were taken to increase the sheer number of votes: https://electionlab.mit.edu/research/voter-confidence
    It takes a special kind of idiocy to equate “more votes” with “more democracy.” “Democracy” means the control of public policy by a majority of the voters. Nothing terrifies Democrats more than people voting on things like immigration policy, public school curriculum, or abortion.

  10. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 11.15.22 : The Other McCain

  11. Fetterman demonstrated an “everyman” persona. Were it not for the (unfortunate) stroke he suffered, a five-point victory margin would’ve been far greater.

    Let’s face it: people like him.

  12. Back in 1988 Biden suffered a pair of aneurisms — basically strokes — so Biden and Fetterman really are of “one mind.” Speaking and understanding speech is the ultimate function of the human mind. It is literally that which separates from lesser beasts.
    We now have empirical proof that speaking and understanding speech is not particularly important to democrats.
    Here is a Youtube of Biden debating Ryan back in 2012. Biden’s mental decline since then is obvious: https://youtu.be/05VnURkqjXs?t=1795
    In 2012 Biden was able to speak correctly, forming coherent, sequential sentences on the fly in stressful situations. these days he can not correctly read a teleprompter.

  13. I’m really shocked MAGA candidates didn’t get more traction with their pledge to remove kitty litter boxes from woke elementary school bathrooms. I figured that would be more of a priority for people.

    Less than a red wave — and more like light spotting.

  14. ^ I’m surprised that Democrats didn’t get more traction with their pledge to get more kids into anal sex with adults, rAT. I figured that with the 24/7 coverage it would be more of a priority for people.

    Maybe FTX didn’t buy as much as promised…(pun intended)

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