Conflict Of Interest

The new head of Planned Parenthood Twin Cities is Ruth Richardson.

Who also happens to be a Minnesota state representative:

Wonder if she plans on recusing herself from votes on Planned Parenthood funding if the media would say anything about it even if she didif the media would say anything about it even if she did or BWAHAHAHAHAHhHhaaaaa sometimes I say the dumbest things.

6 thoughts on “Conflict Of Interest

  1. I’ll admit I don’t quite understand. Were Ms Richardson instead an NRA member or, even worse, the local head of the NRA, would you expect her to recuse herself from votes on the NRA?

    Activists aren’t allowed to be elected?

  2. I’m with jdm on this one. Look at 0bumbler – one of the biggest activists and he was handed the keys to the kingdom. If you are talking about judges, then yes, but policritters?

  3. Richardson could be in the position of voting to give PP tax dollars. If her compensation at PP is based on PP’s funding, she could be shoveling tax dollars into her own pockets.

  4. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 09.08.22 (Afternoon Edition) : The Other McCain

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