Let It Be Noted

I stay pretty relentlessly civil, especially when discussing politics. There’s enough pointless anger out there.

But I’m going to say this, and I don’t care what you think about it: If you are part of the lefty social media mob that thinks “Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer”, you are a flat-earther.

Complicated stuff follows. Stay with me, progressives.

You think someone’s trying to kill you. You shoot them – maybe fatally, maybe not. You’re arrested. The DA presses charges – assault, homicide, whatever.

To even be allowed to *argue* self-defense for assault or homicide, you have to show a judge evidence, to a legal standard, that:

  • you reasonably feared being killed
  • That threat was immediate – it was literally them or you, right then and there.
  • you were not the aggressor [1]
  • you used ONLY the force needed to end that lethal threat.
  • in many states (including MN, but not WI), that you *reasonably* tried to get away [2].

That’s *before* the trial. If your evidence on any of those 4-5 criteria doesn’t stack up, you’ll be a defendant in a murder trial, not a self-defense trial.

Once you’ve gotten past that? On to trial!

And there, if the prosecution disproves any of those 4-5 factors beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury? You’re going to prison – for assault if nobody died, and murder if they did.

That’s a pretty high burden of proof for a “Murderer” to skate past. (Don’t think so? That’s just ignorant.

“But the judge was biased”

No, he wasn’t.

Rittenhouse may not have been a hero [3]. And if you think the whole episode is stupid and unfortunate, I don’t disagree – although in a moral society, the burden should fall on those who set out to damage and destroy others property.

Either way calling Rittenhouse a “murderer” is ignorant at best. And there’s an implied clause after “at best” [4]…

…but again, I try to stay civil.

I try. But I’m only human. It can’t last forever.

[1] And no, doing something you have every legal right to do does not make you an aggressor. Rittenhouse had a right to be where he was, and to carry a rifle. Don’t like it? Take it up with the Wisconsin Assembly.

[2] Where “reasonable” is defined by statute or, much more usually, in a stack of case law references that you have to be a lawyer to understand.

[3]But after seeing the mayhem that the entitled children of the politicalclass got away with scot-free in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and Kenosha, it’s not hard to understand why some people think he is a hero.

[4] And that implied clause may or may not but definitely does include the thought that a whole lot of the “Rittenhouse is teh murdererer” crowd think rioting and rioters are justified, which is a pretty problematic view.

15 thoughts on “Let It Be Noted

  1. i have nothing relevent to say so i’ll change the subject has oj found the real killer nobody complains about him being a murderer

  2. ^^ Charges should’ve never been brought in the first place. The police and everyone else who looked at the video evidence concluded Rittenhouse had committed no crime, so this was clearly a politically driven trial.

    What’s frightening is how many Americans have no clue about the law or their rights. In a country where ignorance of the law is no defense we need to be teaching law and civics beginning as early as middle school. This is what comes from creating a world where everyone views everything through the lens of their ideology, no one can see the truth clearly any longer.

  3. what rights the constitution is a living document it means whatever twitters wants it to mean today and today you have no rights you hater i bet you fly a dont step on the snake flag

    white people law is white supremacy we cant teach that so is civics cant force people of color to abandon their cultureral values to act white why do you hate black people and want them to die

  4. rAT squeaked: “What’s frightening is how many Americans have no clue about the law or their rights.”

    Thank God 80IQ Clearance Darrow is out there to instruct them, rAT. You’re a fucking legend.

  5. “I stay pretty relentlessly civil, especially when discussing politics”

    “Simp is an internet slang term describing someone who shows excessive sympathy and attention toward another person, typically someone who does not reciprocate the same feelings, in pursuit of affection or a sexual relationship.”

    They’re still not gonna fuck you Mitch.

  6. It was just a few months ago that Emery claimed that Rittenhouse was a racist and a murderer. Emery is a troll.

  7. Emery is a troll. It is clear that Emery’s only purpose is to make certain that every SITD thread contains Democrat approved anti-conservative and anti-GOP talking points. It is really just random shit. Emery plagiarizes MSM taliking points and posts them as original content. Emery has done this, time after time.
    Comments from the “Emery” account obviously come from more than one individual.
    Emery needs the ban hammer.

  8. I’m more than a bit disappointed — Republicans haven’t utilized Mr Rittenhouse as candidate for office.

  9. Pedo Joe’s military is falling apart at the seams. His order mandating all armed forces personnel be injected with an ineffective, and deadly experimental vaccine has resulted in massive separations. 40 US Navy SEALS are awaiting separation; an incalculable loss.

    Most fighting age men don’t want to join the tranny military, and most of those that do are not smart enough to dig a ditch, or swab a deck.

    “just 23% of young people ages 17 to 24 are physically, mentally and morally qualified to serve without receiving some type of waiver. Moral behavior issues include drug use, gang ties or a criminal record.”

    So, the army is forced to try and teach 80 IQ high school dropouts to read and write, before fitting them for combat dresses, and tactical spike heels. 🤡


  10. From the article linked by Blaze:
    FORT JACKSON, S.C. (AP) — Chaz Andrews has wanted to join the Army since he was 19, but he has failed the service’s academic test more than 10 times over the past decade.
    According to Psychology Today, that academic test was the AVSAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). It correlates well with IQ, SAT, and ACT tests. The army won’t accept anyone who scores in the bottom third of test takers. I’ve seen a RAND document that says that a score of 30 or less on the AFQT portion of the AVSAB corresponds to an IQ of 91 or less. So not quite a standard deviation lower than average.
    There are free, online resources that you can use to practice for the AVSAB. I doubt that any amount of coaching will get Mr. Andrews across the finish line. I feel for the guy. It has to humliiating to know that you are so dumb the army can’t find a use for you.

  11. To benefit from a college education, a student should have an IQ of 110 or better.

    That’s 1 in 4 White people, and 1 in 20 black people. Hispanics fall somewhere in between.

    The ASVAB has not undergone a revision since I took it lo those many years ago. It doesn’t need a revision. The ASVAB has reliably guided men into military billets, from deck apes, nuclear power plant operators, foxhole diggers and advanced systems techs.

    In order to bolster minority presences on campuses, colleges have abandoned required SAT and ACT tests, and opted for the laughable CLT.

    That has resulted in an influx of submedian IQ’s of all races gathering debt they cannot afford to repay, to take coursework they cannot hope to complete.

    How about the ASVAB?

    Like the military, I’d bet next weeks paycheck it would cull 15-20% of college admissions in the first year, sparing misery, debt and failure to all concerned.

  12. One of the interesting factoids about the ASVAB is that its takers tend test as slightly more intelligent than average. This is usually ascribed to the ASVAB being only given in a written form — you have to be able to know how to read to take the test.

  13. “you have to be able to know how to read to take the test”

    That rules out about 25% of Twin cities public school students.

  14. Blade;
    You are correct.
    I took that test when I enlisted back in 1972. Because I wanted to work on aircraft, I also had to take a mechanical aptitude test. I only had to score 70% to qualify and scored a 91%. The recruiter told me that in over 12 years of recruiting, he had never seen one higher than that. He also said that I aced the hydraulic section (7 questions), which I must give credit to a high school course that I took in high school, called Fluid Power. Three of the guys that were in that class with me, had very lucrative careers in that industry.

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