Greasing The Skids

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Congress has given Lesko Brandon the authority he requested, to enter into Lend Lease Agreements with Ukraine giving them any military weapons, supplies, materials and systems up to (but not including) weapons of mass destruction. Remind me – how’d we get sucked into World War II?

Joe Doakes

Joe is right.

But lend lease is also part of how we ended World War II, as well; giving someone else the material wherewithal to fight the part of the war we couldn’t.

I say this neither to agree nor disagree with the administrations action.

5 thoughts on “Greasing The Skids

  1. Pedo Joe’s handlers are supplying the child trafficking, drug smuggling Ukrainian government with weapons, because they see a defeat of Ukraine as a defeat of degeneracy; they give fuck-all about the Ukrainian people. Ukraine is the geographical equivalent of blacks for leftists; something to be used, and discarded when no longer useful.

    Don’t think so? Have you seen the list of Hollywood and DC degenerates that have paraded through a supposed war zone? lol

    It’s not going to help. What they are doing is giving Zelinsky all the rope he needs to hang himself and his country, while placing the US in an existential threat we have no business being involved in.

  2. BTW; the blind “I stand with the popular thing” support of Ukraine is the death of the Neo-cons as a political force. Long overdue.

    When the dust settles, and the nasty, really nasty underbelly of Ukraine is exposed, all those stupid flag icons will be truck tires tied around y’all’s necks.

    Putin is certainly not our friend, and Russia remains a dangerous competitor. But in this conflict, he’s not wrong.

  3. It’s just wag the dog. Gotta try something to save them from the coming tsunami.

  4. kin +1… including, but not limited to, mutual destruction thermonuclear war. Jughead administration has as much regard for human life as his idol – Xi and his predecessors all the way to Mao.

  5. Yes, Lend-Lease (along with German, Japanese, and Italian territorial aspirations and other factors) was one of the things that led the U.S. into WWII. We might argue that it prevented the Nazis from completely indulging their dreams of Lebensraum by keeping Great Britain from speaking German while giving the U.S. two years to rebuild from the Depression and prepare for conflict.

    Kinda glad we did that. As horrific as World War 2 was, millions more would likely have died if we hadn’t enacted lend-lease.

    Regarding Dullee’s comments, it’s worth noting that Russia’s rates of official corruption are just as high as Ukraine’s (really higher, led from the top), and their divorce and abortion rates are far higher. So exactly what Russia, heroic bomber of residential neighborhoods, hospitals, and schools can do to combat “degeneracy” is not entirely clear here.

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