If At FIrst, Second, Third Etc. You Don’t Succeed

I “joke” that Covid restrictions and states of emergency are on the ropes in states where Democrats are polling badly in the mid-terms.

I supposed that it’s a logical corollary that in states where Democrats don’t need to worry about mid-terrms, they don’t have to care.

Exhibit M:

Maybe it’s just to forestall refugees from Canada…

10 thoughts on “If At FIrst, Second, Third Etc. You Don’t Succeed

  1. Note the “science” used to justify the “emergency.”
    The constitution says that every state must have a republican form of government. I guess you can toss that quaint bit of history in the toilet, along with equality under the law, freedom of speech, freedom of association, etc.
    The second amendment doesn’t protect the rest of the bill of rights after all.

  2. Maybe it’s just to forestall refugees from Canada…

    Or, maybe it’s to attract Canadians. There are are an awful lot, including the troll who claims Canadianship, who are quite happy with and not looking forward to the loss of these science-y mandates.

  3. jdm;
    Yea, I always find it funny that Canadians move here at all. I mean, they have free health care, don’t they? 😃

  4. If New York is doing it, can Minnesota be far behind?

    I read the latest New York declaration. It follows the pattern of Minnesota’s Executive Orders which seems to be based on Insurance Company policy notices. I hate it when they stuff a flying in the bill saying, “Coverages and Exclusions, Section 1, Article 7, Clause (b) is amended to say “not.” What the hell does that mean? In an age of word processors, why can’t they spit out the entire document with the relevant changes highlighted?

    Similarly, the most recent New York order is Number 11.3 which extends the provisions of order numbers 11, 11.1 and 11.2 for a month (four weeks to flatten the curve?).

    11 says the state bidding law is suspended so Covid response efforts are no-bid.

    11.1 says labs can do Covid tests and certain real estate tax exemptions are continued another year.

    11.2 says the Open Meeting Law is suspended so public officials can meet by conference call.

    Is it just me, or do these Emergency Executive Orders Issued to Fight the Deadliest Virus Ever Known seem a little . . . weak? Where’s the universal mask mandate, the universal vaccine mandate, the removal of unvaxxed to concentration camps and the suspension of their professional licenses and insurance?

    It’s almost as if these orders were issued so headline writers could assure headline readers that Something Is Being Done so low-information voters could conclude that All is Well, without ever noticing that nothing substantive is being done and everybody is already well.


  5. This is an example of a sovereign State using it’s Constitutional rights, to bugger it’s citizens.

    Now, you and I might be outraged, but we don’t live in NY, so we don’t get a say. Evidently NYers *like* getting buggered; I wish them joy of the experience.

  6. Our own Governor is preoccupied with the pandemic of gun violence in North Minneapolis. Apparently guns are sneaking into the area and shooting people. Maybe there’s a vaccination available. Perhaps guns need to remain six feet apart. It’s a conundrum for sure.

  7. Gov. Newsom announces no change to school masking policy because unions said no


  8. /“If New York is doing it, can Minnesota be far behind?”/

    Think I will go back and read Carlos Castaneda’s book, A Separate Reality, to understand Minneapolis and the way they see their city.

  9. If New York is doing it, can Minnesota be far behind

    If the DFL holds the House and Governor’s office this fall, then no.

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