One Wonderw

A friend of the blog emails

Love this:

This is what sliding into authoritarianism looks like.

During the American revolution, it’s pretty likely a thin majority of the population thought living under the British was juuuust fine.

29 thoughts on “One Wonderw

  1. I think tht my ancestors would have been loyalists during the Revolutionary War. They were Quakers in PA and they looked at the British as their protectors against the New England Puritans.

  2. Watch the same people cheering the Florida and Texas Governors for forcing private businesses to not mask or demand proof of vaccination suddenly discover limited government principles again.

  3. Huh, apparently the rules that mandate masks and vaccines and use private businesses to enforce it is a one-way street.

  4. Funny how the left insists that Naziism was “on the right” at the same time that all their proposals really work better in the original German. “Ihre Papiere, Bitte”.

  5. So, the governors are against freedom because they want people to choose whether or not to wear a mask or get vaxxed?
    Maybe Emery would be okay with the businesses forcing Jewish people to wear a star to patronize their establishment? Private property, after all.
    The krazee glue holding Emery’s thoughts together has failed again. Go for bailing wire and duct tape next time!

  6. ^ Vaccine mandates are exactly like Nazi’s, if Nazi’s were about life-saving scientific breakthroughs rather than Gulags, concentration camps immiseration, mass extermination, man-made famines, and mass deportations of nations.

    Woolly also claim wearing a mask is useless and has no effect on the transmission of Covid-19.
    This link also suggests that you are not telling the truth.

  7. Emery, when an institution “disavows” a study, by and large, that means I take it more seriously, not less. The political pressures we’ve got in these times are incredible.

    Regarding the 11% reduction, sure, and take a close look at the studies. Bangladesh, peak usage of masks of about 42%. I think if you take a close look, you’re going to see some serious issues with that study.

  8. ^ I’m glad you commented, bike, because you confirmed my interpretation of that oh-so important study. On the other hand, I don’t know why you bother. The E-trolls ignore any and all contradictory information until it arrives in the morning Narrative email update.

  9. “ Vaccine mandates are exactly like Nazi’s, if Nazi’s were about life-saving scientific breakthroughs”

    Through 1939, Germans received more than 30% of Nobel prizes for medicine and science.

    Data from Mengele’s experiments were quietly used by US and UK scientists for years. His work on hypothermia was cited by a UofM scientist.

    But most was just gruesome, sadistic quackery. The only really good thing to come of Mengele’s butchery was the Nuremberg code: which Biden and his fellow Nazis are gleefully violating.

  10. “ Vaccine mandates are exactly like Nazi’s, if Nazi’s were about life-saving scientific breakthroughs”

    Through 1939, Germans received more than 30% of Nobel prizes for medicine and science.

  11. Data from Mengele’s experiments were quietly used by US and UK scientists for years. His work on hypothermia was cited by a UofM scientist.

  12. But most was just gruesome, sadistic quackery. The only really good thing to come of Mengele’s butchery was the Nuremberg code: which Biden and his fellow Nazis are gleefully violating.

  13. But most was just gruesome, s@distic quackery. The only really good thing to come of Mengele’s work was the Nuremberg code: which Biden and his fellow Nazis are gleefully violating.

  14. But most was just quackery. The only really good thing to come of Mengele’s “work” was the Nuremberg code: which Biden and his fellow Nazis are gleefully violating.

  15. But most was just gruesome, sadistic quackery. The only really good thing to come of Mengele’s butchery was the Nuremberg code: which Biden and his fellow National Soci@lists are gleefully violating.

  16. The only really good thing to come of Mengele’s butchery was the Nuremberg code: which Biden and his fellow Nazis are gleefully violating.

  17. The only really good thing to come of Mengele’s butchery was the Nurem_berg code: which Biden and his fellow Nazis are gleefully violating.

  18. The only really good thing to come of Mengele’s butchery was the Nuremberg code: which Biden and his fellow Nazis are happily violating.

  19. Mengele’s butchery was the motivation for Nuremberg code: which Biden and his fellow Natzis are gleefully violating.

  20. Biden refuses to use anything connected with Mengele…specifically the Nuremburg code.

  21. The only really good thing to come of Men_gele’s butchery was the Nurem_berg code: which Biden and his fellow Na_zis are gleefully violating.

  22. The mod bot refuses to allow me to make my point. Berg can sift through my attempts and post one.

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