

According to Jim Cramer, a victory by Republican Scott Brown in today’s Massachusetts Senate election will spark a market rally on Wednesday.


Stocks Post Biggest Drop Since October

As a part-time blogger and full-time wealth management advisor, can I give you some free advice?

Jim Cramer is an entertainer.

Nothing more.

You’re welcome.

23 thoughts on “Dummy

  1. But if Coakley would have won, and the same Chinese induced drop happened you all would have pointed right at her and the Dems for the fade . . . . Interesting how that works, isn’t it.

  2. OK Flasher, try to keep up here (the post’s tags might offer a clue for you).

    You go ahead and follow Jim Cramer’s advice and report back on how it goes for you.

  3. To help flash out here a bit; if you follow Cramer’s advice, you can be a millionaire within a few years.

    If you start out with a billion dollars.

    I had the same thought as Roosh when I saw Cramer’s prediction….

  4. Haha, you can’t fool me, Yo. I’ve taken the ACTs a few too many times to believe that a piece of writing has only one point to it.

  5. It doesn’t take away from the fact that if Coakley would have won, you all would be blaming the market on her victory and no Cramer post would have been in sight. Sheesh, you guys ARE that predictable LOL

    And yes, Browns impending win was already factored in to the market, today’s issue is from a less know Chinese fiscal meltdown.

  6. I am sure Flash’s twin from the parallel universe – the one with the goatee – does.

  7. Sheesh, you guys ARE that predictable LOL

    Well, to be fair, prediction is easy when you make up both the parameters and the facts as you go along.

    And because I’m a swell guy, Flash, I’ll write your next reply for you: “I know you guys do but what am I?”

    There. You’re welcome.

  8. Some readers got it. Others need things spelled out a little more…

    So the message here is keep voting Democrat or stocks will tank? Got it.

    Apatheticboy, the post was about Jim Cramer’s inabilities, not Democrats’.

    We’ve already covered that quite well, thank you.

    It was about Cramer’s documented inability to pick stocks being made even more laughable when combined with politics.

    You might want to give your copious commenting here a break so as to allow your brain to catch up with your fingers.

  9. Fortunately, with John, we got what we paid for.

    Hey John, one quick question, since CRA was responsible (along with Barney Frank) for ALL of the problems in the economy, we don’t have any worries with commercial real estate as a result, right?

    Jim Cramer is a fool – he is an entertainer, but only a fool needs ‘wealth management advice’ to know it. There aren’t any trappings necessrary to offer that advice, and the only thing I’ve ever seen you cover about Democrats is blame and cover for the vast financial mismanagement which was generated precisely by greed-driven mindsets.

  10. I was teasing, Roosh, your bio says you have a sense of humor and satire. You might want to get that updated. I’ll leave your posts alone in the future.

  11. Penigma, JRoosh did not write that CRA & Frank were responsible for ALL the problems in the economy. Oh, and Krugman’s columns contain negative knowledge. The more of them you read, the stupider you get.

  12. Does anyone know if there’s a web site available to translate this into English?

    There aren’t any trappings necessrary to offer that advice, and the only thing I’ve ever seen you cover about Democrats is blame and cover for the vast financial mismanagement which was generated precisely by greed-driven mindsets.

    It’s almost Grace Kelly like in terms of incomprehensibility.

  13. Chad,

    I’d suggest the Modern Language Association. That one paragraph could keep a squadron of UC-Irvine English department Ph.D candidates busy for a month.

  14. You guys are wrong about Pen. He’s a misunderstood poet. Compare & contrast Chad the Elder’s quote of Penigma above with this selection from The Wasteland, the classic and much regarded early modern poem by T. S. Eliot:

    Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina
    Quando fiam ceu chelidon—O swallow swallow
    Le Prince d’Aquitaine à la tour abolie
    These fragments I have shored against my ruins
    Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo’s mad againe.
    Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.

    Shantih shantih shantih

  15. the only thing I’ve ever seen you cover about Democrats is blame

    Well, yeah. We’re conservatives. And since the media will never blame the Dems for anything, we’re filling a gap.

    But you’re still wrong. Actually, I found myself last weekend in the odd position of defending Obama on an internet talk show (Marty Owings’ “Radio Free Nation”), at least as far as his response in Haiti went.

    and cover for the vast financial mismanagement which was generated precisely by greed-driven mindsets.

    Not to speak for Roosh, but baloney. Roosh and I both, as capitalists, recognize and have written that “greed-driven mindsets” need to be enabled by government intervention (a genuine free market cuts greed off at the knees), that that intervention started during the Clinton years but was enabled by both parties, sometimes for reasons that on the surface even seemed noble (the CRA!), but whose “unintended” consequences led us to where we are.

    To summarize: you’re wrong, both in terms of policy and your comprehension of Roosh and my writing.

    You’re welcome!

  16. Terry, guess I’ve always thought of Pen more as a “Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” man.

    LET us go then, you and I,
    When the evening is spread out against the sky
    Like a patient etherised upon a table;
    Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
    The muttering retreats
    Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
    And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
    Streets that follow like a tedious argument
    Of insidious intent
    To lead you to an overwhelming question …
    Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
    Let us go and make our visit.

    I mean, a patient etherised upon a table? Muttering retreats? A tedious argument of insidious intent? It’s as though Eliot was reading Pen’s blog.

  17. “CRA was responsible (along with Barney Frank) for ALL of the problems in the economy,” – Peni – January 21st, 2010 at 8:39 am

    Thanks for the quote, peevee. 8)

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