The Modern Conundrum

I was told that if I voted for Donald Trump, school boards would be overrun with domestic terrorists.

And they were right.

“For those who got an issue with this critical race theory equity, this is something I fight for, for my children,” Austin reportedly said during the school board meeting . “How dare you come out here and talk about the things that my daddy and my grandparents went through,” listing things such as Jim Crow, lynchings, and the oppression…

“I’ll bring my soldiers with me next time … locked and loaded,” Austin stated as he was being escorted out of the meeting by officers. Plemmons reportedly questioned whether he had been addressing her, to which he replied, “locked and loaded.”

That’s “1,000 soldiers, locked and loaded”, coming out to defend Critical Race Theory…

…which does not exist.

19 thoughts on “The Modern Conundrum

  1. It’s not the kids who melt at the topic of race in America, it’s their fragile, snowflake white parents. It is no coincidence that these are the same folks who subscribe to the Big Lie.

    It’s so weird how creeping sharia stopped being an existential threat to America once right wing funders lost interest in it. Creeping Critical Race Theory though…

  2. ↑↑ Someone to decided to start the day with an extra dose of blather ↑↑

  3. “How dare you come out here and talk about the things that my daddy and my grandparents went through”

    When people talk about “historical racism” like this, they are talking about racism that they have never experienced.

  4. If it was a dispute over how history was taught, we could find common ground to reach a solution. One side was Bad, but that Bad Side eventually found Good, and it’s all in the past now.

    If it’s a dispute over how America should look going forward, we could find common ground to reach a solution to that, too. There was Bad in the past, but we’re leaving the Bad in the past to move forward. We will focus on Good for ourselves and for our children.

    One way this fails is if we cannot agree on what was Bad and what is Good. If one side sees skin color as the issue but the other side sees economic prosperity as the issue, that discussion will fail.

    And if one side isn’t discussing in good faith (pretending something matters when they have no intention of doing it themselves, or for their children), that discussion will lead to more anger.

    Liberals tut-tutting over systemic racism and the legacy of slavery don’t quit their jobs, don’t pull their kids out of STEM schools, don’t move into the inner city. The remedy is always for somebody else to sacrifice. Right, E-girls?

  5. It is not a dispute over how history was or is taught, Joe Doakes. CRT requires that race be the foundation of EVERY subject taught.
    This is, BTW, how every totalitarian ideology works. That’s why it is called “totalitarianism.”

  6. Try to explain CRT in a positive or even neutral way, and you will find yourself spouting nonsense.
    Here is a generally positive article intended to explain the CRT concept to educators:

    It says: Critical race theory emerged out of postmodernist thought, which tends to be skeptical of the idea of universal values, objective knowledge, individual merit, Enlightenment rationalism, and liberalism—tenets that conservatives tend to hold dear.

    “Conservatives tend to hold dear”? Every sane person places a high value on these things. Even the people who promote CRT value these things in their personal lives, no matter what they say in public.
    My God, if you don’t believe in objective knowledge, is that disbelief objectively true? Is your skepticism of universal values valid outside the reference frame of your beliefs?
    It’s nonsense all the way down.

  7. That’s a good article, and it’s hilarious to think that people would see zoning as a race issue, as if there would be no repercussions, say, if the government mandated a trailer park in the middle of Bear Path, Wayzata, or the like. What it seems to be is disparate impact analysis as the only criteria for making decisions.

  8. The writer does the trick of saying some redlining was explicitly race based, then talking about redlining and zoning as if ALL of it was race based.

    A good example is when, in the 1930s, government officials literally drew lines around areas deemed poor financial risks, often explicitly due to the racial composition of inhabitants. Banks subsequently refused to offer mortgages to Black people in those areas.
    Today, those same patterns of discrimination live on through facially race-blind policies, like single-family zoning that prevents the building of affordable housing in advantaged, majority-white neighborhoods and, thus, stymies racial desegregation efforts.

    The writer actually says that explicit racism lives on through explicit non-racism. You can’t wrap your head around it because the normal human mind can’t contain such nonsense, it takes years of academic training before you can believe that race-blind policies and explicitly racist policies are the same thing.

  9. MP, dude! Thanks for that link. That article is perfect, like CRT for Dummies. Or CRT to make you even more Dumb.

  10. “You can’t wrap your head around it because the normal human mind can’t contain such nonsense,”

    Incoherence is not a by product of “Progressive” policies it is the point. When confronted with an environment/system that is incoherent those people who can’t easily extract themselves or won’t extract themselves(thinking the incoherence is a temporary anomaly perhaps) willingly do accommodate their environment. They “go along to get along” hence useless masks, shutdowns, ineffective vaccines, boosters, vaxx passports etc. Each acquiescence seems small in an of itself, a minor acceptance of despair, but the cumulative effect is a population of sheep who will comply with the next Executive Order.

    This is what the Emerys are about, they are here to promote incoherence, political entropy.

  11. Hey, I went to public schools a long, long time ago, and back then I learned about the Klan, Jim Crow, and lynchings. And nobody ever taught that these were good things, worth preserving.

    I also learned about white carpet-baggers from the North that came down to Dixie to exploit the blacks and hillbillies for their own purposes.

  12. The writer of the edweek article says at one point that, overall, white children are a minority in public schools. This means that CRT is depicting a minority within the school system as being the source of racial injustice inflicted on the majority of students.
    Imagine your a white public school student in a school that is 75% minority. Your parents are poor whites, that’s why you are still in public school.
    In every class at your school, you are identified as belonging to the privileged race that is oppressing 3/4 of your fellow students. In math class, if you do well and the minority students so not do well, you will be identified as only doing well because of your race. Maybe you will be graded using a punitive scale to compensate for your “white privilege.” Same thing in every other class.
    That is what CRT looks like when it is working as it is intended to.

  13. DOJ/DHS whistleblower has sent a letter to congress confirming that the gummint is using anti-terror programs, tactics and personnel to monitor parents.

    How about that return to “muh norms”.

  14. MP,
    Until this Fall my daughters were enrolled in the poorest school district in MN. My oldest was the ONLY white student in her class. Despite that fact the “community wide” emails from the very intersectional Superintendent were the very typical Woke claptrap you’d expect. I still remember the email from 2020 defending the rioting in Minneapolis and St. Paul that implored us to “understand” the collective, racial pain of African Americans.

  15. Well, Emery, we’ll see about “creeping sharia” and how it affects Hamtramck, Michigan, where the entire city clowncil and mayor are all Muzzies.

  16. My employer offered counseling to employees who were unable to do their jobs because they were too upset by watching Minneapolis burn on television. Did it again when that fool got himself shot by a cop in one of the Brooklyns (never could keep them straight). Boo hoo, the horror, I can’t work today.

    Listen, I’ve got a pile of things on my “honey-do” list before the snow gets deep. I could use a day off with pay but not Vacation Leave, I want “too busy with my personal life to do my actual job leave.” Do we really need a cop to kill somebody new each time we want a day off, or can we just assume it must have happened somewhere, at some time in the past, and use that as the justification?

    I assert that on this day in history, an innocent Nubian prince named Duante was brutally murdered by a Roman Legionnaire, the predecessor to Minnesota police.
    He wasn’t doing nothing, had recently turned his life around when he was killed for no reason at all, according to the oral history handed down by Duante’s friends and relatives who had no reason to lie about such a vicious act of white supremacy.

    I’m too broken up about the outrage to log in to work right now. I’ll be at Home Depot if anybody needs me.

  17. In the real world, if public schools adopted the principles of CRT, the public schools would drive out white parents and students.
    We can see how this would work in existing school districts that are 90%+ minority in districts that are overwhelmingly minority. Imagine the minority kids in this district being explicitly taught that the reason for their poverty, for the pathologies of drug abuse, violence, criminality, homelessness, etc., that surround them, are the fault of the white people who lie in the white suburbs.
    CRT advocates think that this is a good idea, and that it will lead to racial reconciliation.

  18. Imagine the minority kids in this district being explicitly taught that the reason for their poverty, for the pathologies of drug abuse, violence, criminality, homelessness, etc., that surround them, are the fault of the white people who lie in the white suburbs.
    CRT advocates think that this is a good idea, and that it will lead to racial reconciliation.

    All while the elites are cramming through LRT from the inner cities to the target-rich, I mean, white suburbs. And if you’re a minority white student in a school that’s preaching your evilness, I bet you proactively beat yourself up in the bathroom or on the playground before the rest of your classmates get to you.

  19. It is crucial to the ruling elite that there be a feral underclass – CRT is how you construct that feral underclass.

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