When Reality Is Absurd, Parody Is Impossible

A friend of the blog emails:

I had to look up this Twitter account because I was sure it was parody, but it wasn’t.

Berg’s 21st Law – “When it comes to “progressive” policy, yesterday’s absurd joke is today’s serious proposal and tomorrow’s potential law. – applies to policy, but I think rhetoric probably qualifies as well.

4 thoughts on “When Reality Is Absurd, Parody Is Impossible

  1. Time is measured by the position of the Sun relative to one’s position on the Earth.

    The Southern Hemisphere is 14 hours ahead of the Northern. Therefore, months start and end at different relative times.

    This wretched woman is attempting to assert her influence over the physical mechanics of the universe.

    We didn’t need more proof that liberal mental illness leads to a God complex, but there it is.

  2. Why is SHE using non-inclusive words like ME and I?

    Other people, especially people of color, are not ME and I. Only SHE is.


  3. Let’s not forget that the length of a year on other planets varies from that on Earth. We should not be guilty of Earth centric prejudice. We need Universal Time right now!

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