5 thoughts on “I Heard It On The (Sunday) NARN

  1. Put not thy faith in narcissistic grifters and whiny click-baiters. It’s embarrassing listening to an old grown man/former president act like a child lying all day long. God help our children and their future because in the U.S it doesn’t look very bright.

  2. “It’s embarrassing listening to an old grown man/former president act like a child lying all day long. “

    I agree! Some of the crap Obama has been saying lately makes you wonder how he got 70m people to vote for him.

  3. As Emery demonstrates in his 9:17, he has mastered topic #3: “3. Nonsensical conversations from hell.”

  4. How is it that we hear the loudest jingoistic noise from gloomy patriots who cannot stand the state of the nation and half the people in it?

  5. As I read through the article, I’m reading about basic lying (gaslighting, projection, nonsensical conversations from H***, deliberate misrepresentation), personal attacks, gossip, and non sequiturs. One might suggest that what’s really going on is that the Biblical and moral prohibition against lying is no longer operative in a large portion of our population, nor is the prohibition against gossip and personal attacks operative. So you combine that with a failure to teach the basic rules of informal logic–“when you’re attacking a person, all you’re doing is proving you can not or will not make a real argument”–you’ve got a horrendous issue.

    Nice to see Comfortably Smug demonstrating some of these 20 tactics, by the way. You’ve got personal attacks, hasty generalizations, name calling, gaslighting….well done, CS!

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