Around The MOB: Cold Hearted Truth

I’ll cop to it.  I don’t know much about Cold Hearted Truth.

I try to know most of the people involved in MOB blogs; I can usually name at least someone on the staff of many of the MOB blogs, and I often as not recognize them at the parties.

I can not place Cold Hearted Truth.  And they are pretty skimpy on the details on their blog; no bios, no chronology (I have no idea when they started), not a lot of clues about the people behind the blog.

But they are conscientious, writing lots and lots of good stuff.  They are  certainly conservatives, lest there be any doubt:

Certainly skewed by the one GOP commissioned poll that shows Brown up double digits, but perhaps that offsets two seperate polls that were commissioned by the Democrats.

Interestingly, it is being reported by insiders that Coakley’s own internal polling has shown her down in the three to five percent area, so maybe the average showing Brown up two points is fairly accurate?

Perhaps this can be a learning experience!

Anyway – Cold Hearted Truth, an excellent way point on a journey around the MOB.

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