If Weasels Were The Size Of Elk

When it comes to “vaccine passports”, the Minnesota Department of Health is keeping its options open:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said just eight days ago that he does not want to implement a “vaccine passport” system that requires Minnesotans to carry documentation that they’ve received the coronavirus vaccine.

“I have no intention of doing vaccine passports,” he told reporters, per KSTP. “Our vaccine passport is get the shot. Get the shot, and we get beyond this. So we have no intention of doing it.”

“Does not want”.

“No Intention”.

If weasels were the size of moose, they could still slip through the wiggle room the Governor has left himself and his administration.

And here come the elk-sized weasels:

However, the governor’s own health department seemed to broadcast a different message via a statement posted to Facebook just six days later, on April 13.

“We don’t know yet know [sic] if you’ll need to show proof of vaccination for things like traveling, concerts or other activities,” the MDH wrote.

Remember – if you assume the typical MNDFL voter has the critical thinking skills of a tenth-grader, it all makes sense.

40 thoughts on “If Weasels Were The Size Of Elk

  1. “You need to get the vaccine to protect you from the disease.”
    “You have to wear a mask & observe social distancing even after getting the vaccine.”
    More mixed messages from the public health “experts.”

  2. “tenth grader”? Really? Brains the size and capability of a single corona virus.

  3. You know, if someone could get a pin noting they’d been vaccinated that would allow them to go about their daily business without a mask, I’d wear it. Might just give a great incentive to get vaccinated and clear some things up with the epidemic, too.

  4. A tenth grader from fifty years ago. Today many grad students wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  5. You know, if someone could get a pin noting they’d been vaccinated that would allow them to go about their daily business without a mask, I’d wear it.

    No surprise there. How about a little patch to sew on your coat?

  6. You know, if someone could get a pin noting they’d been vaccinated that would allow them to go about their daily business without a mask, I’d wear it. Might just give a great incentive to get vaccinated and clear some things up with the epidemic, too.

    No, bubba. Just no. Tyrants get nothing.

  7. I’ve never understood the SCIENCE on this point, E-Collective, perhaps some of your saner writers could enlighten me.

    How can society tell the difference between a drop in cases caused by artificial herd immunity acquired from vaccine, versus a drop in cases caused by natural herd immunity acquired from exposure to the virus, versus a drop in cases caused by a die-off of the vulnerable population leaving the invulnerable survivors behind?

    I ask because you assert the end of the pandemic was caused by the vaccines but what SCIENCE proves the cause was not one of the traditional historical causes?

  8. Well, if Conservatives refuse to be vaccinated there will be fewer of them to argue with
    about it later.

    Why not focus on vaccinating people who want to be vaccinated, and the Antivaxxers can go make conspiracy theories, while sensible people are doing useful things without them. There is work to be done, and waiting for Godot doesn’t seem like a viable alternative strategy.

  9. Well, if Conservatives refuse to be vaccinated there will be fewer of them to argue with about it later.

    Right, because a flu virus with a 97% survival rate is going to kill them all off.

    lol, you fucking moron…stfu and go get your booster jab like Fauchi told you to do.

  10. My goodness, bike, I’m astounded at that 8:22 comment. Have you been asleep for the last year? Just get a vaccine and you can go about your daily business without a mask? Geez, man, that’s already been reversed. And conditions added.

    It’s all been about control. Once the commies realized the gift they’d been given from the CCP, [g]overnment at every level in this country used COVID to test out just much power they had over the people.

    They liked the results.

    [We’ve] gotten mixed messages about COVID from the beginning because of control. That’s why they present you with a constant stream of carrots and sticks. “Just do ____ and you can have your life back. But maybe not. Probably though. Or not.”

  11. Public health measures are, by definition, politics (that is, the formulation and execution of public policy). It is not science.
    There is no group of people that is “following the science.” There is, however, one group that thinks it is “following the science.”
    You believe the vaccine will make you safe? Fine, go ahead and get it. The rest of us are too busy living our lives and creating the future to spend time worrying about whether people are keeping their recomended vaccines up to date.

  12. And when Walz inevitably announces the “passport” requirement it will be with the same “look what you made me do” tone he used with his other edicts.

  13. Our local ISD sent out a mailer on Friday outlining plan for 2021/2022 school year. Are you sitting down MN sheep and Pepes?

    No more Wuhan Flu reports on infections and hospitalizations
    No more masks
    No more virtual classes
    No more restrictions on after school activites
    No more restrictions on capacity for school events
    All students and teachers are expected to have 100% in-class participation starting June 1st wherever applicable

    That’s all folks. Enjoy your serfdom.

  14. Really, Emery?! Apparently, you missed the fact that all three poison pushers have said that these “vaccines” are not cures, do not prevent you from getting ChiCom flu and are not liable if it screws up your health or kills you. You even have to sign a form acknowledging all of this, before they give it to you. The last part, no liability, should give any sane person pause over taking it. Further, now the CEO of Pfizer comes out and states that people will have to take “booster shots” every year. How convenient, huh, dumb ass? But hey, go stand in line with the other true believing sheep to get stabbed annually like a good little minion. Your overlords have you exactly where they want you. I dare say that there will be far fewer of YOU morons around to argue with and us anti vaxxers will be enjoying a return to freedom, with enough of us left to make sure that you leftists are relegated to labor camps.

  15. @Sedition Boy: you’re too busy yelling about whether 0.008% is too high a risk for vaccinated people. 😂

    One other point — you sure do whine about masks a lot. After this is over, that’s going to be one thing we’ll look back at, just how whiny people were in the middle of a slow-motion disaster.

  16. It’s almost like vaccines work and this should’ve been the messaging in the US.

    Agreed, Emery. When do you think President Biden and dictator-for-life Fauci will catch on?

    Regarding the pin, I understand the reluctance, but for me, it would give an overall reduction in big government’s reach. That’s why the dictator-for-life wouldn’t allow it.

  17. Regarding the pin, I understand the reluctance, but for me, it would give an overall reduction in big government’s reach. That’s why the dictator-for-life wouldn’t allow it.

    Allow it? He’ll require it, Bubba. And please understand, good sir, that your pledge pin (of fealty) won’t give you anything, other than the opportunity of paying the Danegeld.

  18. Regarding the pin, I understand the reluctance, but for me, it would give an overall reduction in big government’s reach

    Lads!…Bubba is having a nasty reaction to the bug juice…”Sew on this star and we’ll leave you alone”….looks like delirium, maybe a stroke.

    Next he’ll say that a subcutaneous micro chip is probably the way to go.

  19. @BB: It’s kind of remarkable how close to this timeframe we got, especially on the third leg. It’s April and every adult American who wants a vaccine is eligible.

    Officials at an Operation Warp Speed briefing today gave target timetables for COVID-19 vaccination:
    – By end of 2020: All most vulnerable individuals
    – By end of Jan 2021: All seniors, healthcare workers/first responders
    – By March/April 2021: Any Americans who want a vaccine
    ~ WH briefing October 23 2020 (CBS News)

  20. None of your posts answered my question, E’s.

    As for you flashback to 2020, that reminds me of another unanswered question: What should President Trump have done to stop the spread of the virus, when should he have done it, and under what authority?

  21. ^ Perhaps your time and ‘legal skills’ would be better off helping Mike Lindell with his Dominion counter suit. Which unlike their pillows, is super soft.

  22. You misunderstand, E-boys. I’m not trying to help you. I’m holding up your comments to ridicule, for the amusement of every thinking person who reads SITD.

  23. JD, you got ol’ Tater dancing faster than a June bug on a hot plate and babbling louder a preacher speaking in tongues with a handful of snakes!


  24. For example, E, you spent all last year criticizing President Trump for failing to stop the virus from spreading, but were unable to tell us how he should have done it, when, and under what authority. Your repeated efforts to dodge the question highlights the lack of seriousness of the criticism. Don’t tell us he failed to do what he should have done; tell us What he should have done, When, and under What authority; or else confess there’s nothing anybody could have done and you’ve been wrongly criticizing him all along.

    Similarly, your 10:02 credits the vaccine for Israel lifting its mask order. But Florida lifted its mask order ages ago and there are no bodies piled in the streets. I asked for the science supporting your assertion that the vaccine was the cause but you ducked the question and your later posts degenerated into pathetic attempts at snark. Put up or shut up.

    I confidently predict you cannot Put Up, aren’t smart enough to Shut Up, and don’t have enough self-respect to Fess Up.

    Prove me wrong.

  25. Tater sobbed: “muh Butt Kraken”.

    Oh, is Kraphammer over for a visit, Tater?

  26. Kraphammer and Tater take turns using their heads to give themselves Covid anal swabs….they both take bat flu super serial but oh, the Kraken.

    Right, Tater? tia

  27. I think one of the first things we’ll look back at, is wonder at the money & effort spent cleaning surfaces, when we now know that there is virtually no chance of getting covid from surface contact.

  28. There never was any empirical evidence that covid spread via surface contact. None, as in zero.
    Yet Fauci and the other experts early endorsed these useless disinfecting regimes. Remember when some distillaries switch to making ethanol for anti-bacterial gel? Useless, completely useless, also the paniced buying of bleach. Total waste of time.

  29. MO – I’m in favor of a safe>sorry approach early on when facing a new pandemic with little information to go on. The surface contact activity turned out to be a more of a “look busy” response, and testing (and, you know) science, could have demonstrated this much earlier. Too many other agendas in the way, I guess.

  30. When people face a danger that they cannot see, inevitably their imaginations get to work. People tend to imagine an invisible enemy as having strengths and weaknesses that ir does not have. They then fight the enemy of their imagination.

    The way the virus was visually represented by the media contributed to the manifold failures of the response to covid to match its threat. We’ve all seen the picture of the little spiked golf ball.
    In reality, it is most accurate NOT to think of the virus a single thing, like an atom.
    What is the real virus? When you get it, your own body makes the copies. The invasion is of an RNA sequence that arranges the proteins in your body to make copies of itself using that RNA squence. The virus shouldn’t be thought of as a miasma that is floating around, and that you can run into it like a fog bank. lf a person is infected, it is something closer to human breath when its vapors are visible in cold weather. It doesn’t survive outside of the human body for long. The slightest breeze and it vanishes.
    If you aren’t close enough to a person to smell their breath or feel its warmth, you got nothing to worry about, mask or no mask. If you are wearing a mask and you close enough to an infected person to smell their breath or feel its warmth, you are still going to be exposed to the virus.

  31. REprobates within the government tainted scientists with the complicity of those scientists who were greedily snapping up grants to study Global warming. They manipulated data; they outright lied in order to keep those checks coming in.

    Now they have doubled down with the response to a flu virus. Quadrupled down, is a better word.

    These reprobates have forever guaranteed no one with an IQ above room temperature will take anything they say at face value, ever again. What is public confidence worth? Ask Fauchi and his despicable ilk.

  32. “After this is over, that’s going to be one thing we’ll look back at, just how whiny people were in the middle of a slow-motion disaster.”
    It is so slow moving it is not a disaster at all!
    Remeber when Timmy Walz said, a year, that we needed to lock down MN for two weeks to prevent overwhelming the hospitals? At that occasion Timmy said that there would be 70,000 Minnesotans dead of covid by July of 2020, lock down or no lock down.
    Phenomenal lack of judgement on Timmy’s part, so of course he doubled down.
    There is no statistically significant difference in covid hispitalizations and deaths between MN and Wisconsin (where the SC killed the governor’s lock down dreams.) That’s called “empirical evidence.” Liberals hate it. They prefer to believe that “Truth” is delivered to them by credentialed experts rather than the evidence of their own senses.

  33. The image people will think of as emblematic of this time of covid madness is that of Queen Elizabeth, sitting alone in a pew at the funeral of her husband of 73 years, fully masked, fully vaccinated, but denied the physical closeness and comfort of friends and family to “protect her from covid.”

  34. Night Writer on April 19, 2021 at 2:36 pm said:
    MO – I’m in favor of a safe>sorry approach early on when facing a new pandemic with little information to go on.
    . . . .

    But they (meaning politicians and public health officials) did not go by lessons learned from earlier pandemics. They tried radical approaches that were not supported by science.
    We knew who the at risk populations were, and there was no evidence that transmission of covid from symptomless people to the at risk populations was significant — and they locked symptomless people (aka “healthy people”) anyway.
    Sometimes you see images in the popular media of people in the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic wearing rags tied around their faces. Why? Is their any evidence that this was effective back in 1918?
    Telling the truth is powerfull. It shakes the foundations. That is why the people in charge hate it.

  35. The image people will think of as emblematic of this time of covid madness is that of Queen Elizabeth, sitting alone in a pew at the funeral of her husband of 73 years, fully masked, fully vaccinated, but denied the physical closeness and comfort of friends and family to “protect her from covid.”

    Cruel, pointless, asinine. A despicable moment, and yes, completely emblematic.

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