Just So We’re Clear On This…

President Biden, we’re told, is a devout Catholic, which is a good thing…

…as opposed to Amy Coney Barrett, for whom it was a bad thing.

Also – “Ascendant liberal Christianity is an eternal hope on Big Left. Sort of like Blue Texas. There’s anways been a “blue” church: mainline Presbyterians, white Methodists and Episcopoals, ELCA Lutherans, and an awful lot of mainstream Catholics, who have made their peace with abortion in exchange for programs just as easily as “Feminists” made theirs with Bill Clinton.

The “blue” church is “ascendant” because one of its own is in power. These also happen to be the denominations that are in demogrpaphic free-fall.

But there is no narrative but the narrative.

18 thoughts on “Just So We’re Clear On This…

  1. Can’t get through the paywall and I refuse to pay @NYT a nickel. I assume the ascendant Christianity is recycled liberation theology: Jesus leading the horde with his AK47 and hanging all the counterrevolutionaries.

  2. I agree, the blue churches are ascendant – because just like the general culture, the academy (read seminaries) have turned deep blue woke.

  3. I grew up in a church that has since become quite “blue”, and the thing that seemed clear was that the old concept of religion–the notion that there was Someone who got to set the rules instead of us–was being supplanted. Now more than ever…someone needs to remind these people of the tower of Babel and why it’s a bad thing when people get to set the rules for themselves.

  4. Yea, right, New York Slimes.
    Let’s completely ignore the fact that both he and Jill are adulterous hypocrites. They both violated one of the main tenets of Catholic doctrine.

  5. The Church has endured millennia of bad leaders, heretics, purges, scandals and schisms. It will survive this, too, but only if it can avoid the temptation of worldliness to remain faithful to its core principles. A good start would be kicking out everybody who doesn’t adhere to those principles: pedophiles, homosexuals, abortionists, adulterers . . . okay, so the congregation will get smaller, money will get tighter, we might have to retrench, sell some properties, curtail some social justice activities. That may not be a bad thing: it might be the only thing that can save the Church as an institution with a meaningful purpose. Otherwise, what’s the point of it all?

  6. Biden is a “devout Catholic.” In the past, we’ve been informed Pelosi is an “ardent Catholic.” I have been Catholic my entire life. If you need to attach a qualifier to describe your faith, you’re not doing it right.

  7. Pedo Joe, via exec order, has banned the use of the term “China virus”.

    Fine. Chinky pox it is.

  8. Your right, JD. The Catholic church has survived some pretty bad leadership in the past.

    But the apostacy has never been so widespread. Dunno how this one works out good.

    Group of US Catholic bishops urges support for LGBT youth
    Declaring “God is on your side,” a Roman Catholic cardinal, an archbishop and six other U.S. bishops are declaring their support for LGBT youth

    I could see where they might support mentoring, or counseling, but straight up support? Nah.

  9. I don’t have much respect anymore for Jonah G, but I will admit that he did a pretty good job of documenting in “Liberal Fascism” that the rise of progressivism (aka communism) started in the churches some 120 years ago. There are few, if any, mainstream churches that aren’t blue anymore; it’s only a question of degree.

  10. MO, dunno if Nelson knows much about planetary bodies, but she’s a whiz on black bodies; it’s all she talks about.

    A sampling of her bibliography:

    “The Social Life of DNA: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation After the Genome”

    “Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight Against Medical Discrimination, Genetics and the Unsettled Past.”

    Read this interview, if you can, with this quote from influential, early 20th century black scholar William Hannibal Thomas in the back of your mind:

    “The educated class of the negro race–the result of such teachings–rarely seeks for truth in statement, but rather for rhetorical flourish, skill in contradiction, and word juggling, in order to confuse, bewilder, and impose upon their hearers, and to make those among the less informed believe them to be wise and all-knowing. So long as this shameless mendacity or pretense of learning continues, it will prove a fundamental hindrance to race awakening.”


    Nelson’s elevation is part and parcel of the cancelling of the white race. Change my mind.

  11. I would pay a dollar to watch Nelson attempt to explain how Kepler’s second law of planetary motion is the result of the gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets.

    Kepler? That sounds German. Probably a Nazi, spouting white supremacist “laws” from centuries ago that are no longer relevant.

  12. This will make more sense when my previous comment passes through the censor, but in addition to the twaddle Nelson writes about black DNA, she is interested in something she calls “Afrofuturism”…a sampling:

    “Challenging mainstream technocultural assumptions of a raceless future, Afrofuturism explores culturally distinct approaches to technology. This special issue addresses the intersection between African diasporic culture and technology through literature, poetry, science fiction and speculative fiction, music, visual art, and the Internet and maintains that racial identity fundamentally influences technocultural practices.”

    This goes way beyond the “Wakanda” delusion, and touches on aspects of black use of technology I doubt she means to touch on.

    “Black Twitter” is a thing; go find it; it’s not hard. And tell me this quack wants to confront the reality of black technocultural practices.

  13. Scientific American has long been corrupted by radical non-scientific ideology.
    The backbone of science is the elimination of personality from observation of the natural world. Nelson champions the non-scientific notion that the natural world does not exist apart from the racial identity of the people studying it, and of course there is “good” racial studying of nature and “bad” racial studying of nature. There is no “science” which exists apart from the racial identity of scientists.
    This is not similar to the ideology behind the Nazi belief in Aryan and Jewish science, it is identical to the Nazi ideogy that there was an Aryan and a Jewish science.

  14. Regarding being the most observant President in the past 50 years, I did some thinking, and while it’s debateable whether he’s more or less observant than the Bushes and Clinton, how exactly is one to argue that Biden, as he rejects the tenets of the faith he claims, is more observant than Carter?

    I’d personally put Biden’s faith in the “Clinton” category; nice window dressing, doens’t affect his life much, and definitely doesn’t affect his politics.

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