And I’m Ready…

…for a Senator who knows science is a system of analyzing the world involving healthy skepticism of conventional wisdom and relentless questioning…

…rather than a pseudoreligion used to browbeat people into acquiescence.

Which, if you take her at her word, is apparently what she thinks it is:

19 thoughts on “And I’m Ready…

  1. This, from people who will tell you a man in a sundress is a woman and demand you acknowledge that truth, and then, without a trace of irony, say there is no significant difference between men and women.

  2. “I’m ready for a President who believes in science.”
    What she is ready for is a president who believes that men can menstruate and bear children.
    This “sciencey” talk is all over the place among the DC Dems these days. Not one of them could correctly define science. Nor could the “journalists” who cover them.
    When Dems say that they believe in “science,” what they mean is that they believe that their opinions are not opinions, they are facts. Your opinions, though, are just opinions.

  3. believes in science

    We believe in things that cannot be proved, we trust things that can. One can trust science, but belief transforms it into a religion.

  4. One of the tells that whatever the Left worships, it is not science, is that science advances when it contradicts existing belief.
    Liberals believe that their is no science that can contradict what they believe to be true.
    For example, there is no science that can tell you what life will be like a century from now. Yet an awful lot of the liberal project is based on the idea that we do know what life will like a century from now, that, for example, we will still have international trade that requires very large transport ships, but we will need a carbon-zero technology to power them.
    Empirical data shows that we are terrible at predicting the needs of people a century in the future.

  5. The left has no redeeming value, and our country would be a substantially better place without them. That is a fact, and I can prove it scientifically.

  6. Ha! If I had a TWITter account, I would respond:

    “I would settle for a Senator, allegedly representing me, that knows what science is!”

  7. The Great Church of Global Warming is based entirely on the unshakeable BELIEF that the science is wrong and Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is real. Sorry, but 40 years of actual data says it is NOT. Real science requires proof, and we have it.

  8. I’m ready for a senator who doesn’t believe in railroading innocent black youths into life imprisonment for the sake of her political aspirations.

    I’ll be waiting awhile, it appears.

  9. I am watching a Youtube exchange between Jordan B. Peterson & A feminist named Helen Lewis. They are talking about the role of science in creating the modern world and especially its emancipation of women.
    What I find interesting is that Peterson is concerned with reason: what is the relationship between women’s access to the pill and legal abortion, and female emancipation from the home? Lewis, a feminist, literally cannot understand Peterson’s discourse. She can only conceive of truth as being created by power structures.
    So where Peterson sees female emancipation as the result of technical and scientific advances, coincidentally made by men, Lewis can only see the emancipation of women as being a power struggle between feminists and the patriarchy, with women being the victors in an ongoing battle for social equality.
    This, I think, is the definition of science that Klobuchar claims to believe in (or claims that Biden believe in): science is a branch of learning that promotes and reinforces radical social equality. It is not an objective investigation into how the natural world functions.

  10. BTW, I am not a particular fan of Peterson’s stoicism. I was served up the Peterson-Lewis discussion by Youtube’s algorithm after I watched the Babylon Bee podcast.
    Peterson is an old-school academic thinker and that I do admire. He is a person who thinks in perfectly composed paragraphs. He believes that correct ideas can be defended using reason. It is interesting to see him struggle to respond to some of Lewis’s statements, because her statements are not meant to be subjected to reasoning. They are statements about power and how power can make subjective beliefs “true.”

  11. Peterson and I are on the same wavelength. I appreciate his absolute refusal to water down his views, or the way he presents them to make them palatable to people lacking the strength of character and confidence to evaluate ideas without regard to what the leftist “mainstream”, or “compassionate conservatives” find acceptable.

  12. “Science,” as referred to by Klobuchar (and Pelosi in her little speech a few days ago: is means for making a thing non-debatable. It is not a means of discovering truth about the natural world, it is a means for shutting people up.
    If “science” tells you that wearing a mask prevents the spread of covid-19, there is no need to debate the issue of mask-wearing mandates. Ditto restaurant closures. To a believer in this perversion of “science,” Walz and the DFL are to be congratulated for NOT allowing democratic debate about mask mandates & restaurant closures.

  13. If “science” tells you that wearing a mask prevents the spread of covid-19, there is no need to debate the issue of mask-wearing mandates.

    Exactly. That is why my response to ignorant trolls that say “science” is behind their love of the face diaper, I invite them to join me in a search for the controlled, peer reviewed scientific study that supports their decision.

    100% of the time, it ends the discussion…often with a parting epithet, which is the mark of a butthurt moron.

  14. Lol, the Triggernometry boyz are doing a youtube livestream & playing clips of UK politicians & public health experts from earlier this year insisting that the evidence behind mask-wearing is weak, masks aren’t important, really, it’s a side issue, the science says they don’t work at all, etc.

  15. I am ready for a President who understands science as well, and it’d be nice if the authors on this blog did…

    For example, disproving negatives, as Giuliani asked a reporter to do, is considered the province of fools, for in science, as in court, you have to PROVE your case, you must show evidence of a counterpoint to a theory offering proof of the opposite, not just correlation, but direct causational counter-argument. The Big Bang wasn’t proven wrong by Quantum theory simply because Quantum theory offered a counter-point, for it didn’t disprove the Big Bang, and then..voila’ Quantum Theory was effectively discredited because discovery showed the theory to be unable to explain the existence of singularities. They didn’t disprove negative, they FOUND a positive. That is science. Voter Fraud isn’t proven because you find that a dead person wasn’t struck from the voter rolls – which is perfectly normal to have happen as the state may not be informed of the death in time to remove the name from the registry… No, instead you have to show DEAD people voted (or more correctly, someone voted FOR a dead person, impersonating that person). The first is concept (unpurged dead voters) is anecdote, an unexplained coincidence amounting to nothing, the second, like the existence of a singularity, is obserable fact, like, for example, in Pennsylvania, where three cases of people ACTUALLY voting on behalf of a dead person happened.. VOILA’ you exclaim, SEE it happened..So I give you this (from Jim Wright).

    An heartwarming Christmas tale:
    A week after the November 3, 2020, election, Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick was outraged at the results.
    How could this be?!
    How could his beloved President Trump have lost?
    There could only be one answer! Yes! Yes!
    Fraud, he shouted! Election fraud! Democrats have stolen the election from the rightful President, raged Dan!
    But how to prove it?
    I know, said Dan Patrick to himself, a wager! Yes, a wager!
    Dan Patrick called a press conference and addressed the nation: “I support President Trump’s efforts to identify voter fraud in the presidential election and his commitment to making sure that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is disqualified. President Trump’s pursuit of voter fraud is not only essential to determine the outcome of this election, it is essential to maintain our democracy and restore faith in future elections!”
    And so, Dan Patrick offered $1,000,000 to anyone — anyone — who could prove election fraud.
    A fine wager indeed.
    But as the days went by, then weeks, then months, no one came forth to claim the prize.
    How could it be?
    Why the fraud was so obvious! The Democrats so devious! Why, anyone could see it. Anyone! Men would come up to Dan, big men, with the muscles, with muscled tears in their manly eyes and streaming down their manly muscled faces, Sir! Sir! they cried, can no one prove this fraud?!
    Surely a champion would appear.
    And yet — and yet — the rightful president, Donald J. Trump, could not prove a single case of voter fraud in court. Not one. Though he tried.
    61 times.
    Just when it seemed all hope was lost, at last, at long last, a claimant appeared!
    Oh, fabulous day!
    John Fetterman, the Lt Governor of Pennsylvania himself has stepped forward to claim the prize for his state.
    One Million dollars per case of election fraud!
    Three millions dollars!
    You see, it seems that Pennsylvania has has found not one, not two, but THREE cases of voter fraud.
    Three cases. At last the deception has been proved!
    Yes! Yes! Hah hah hah! Now, America will see!
    Election fraud indeed! Three cases!
    At least two of which involve citizens casting multiple votes for …
    Wait for it
    Wait for it
    Waaaaaaaaait for it
    … for Donald TRUMP.
    Wait, what?
    Yes, that’s right, The voter fraud was coming from inside the White House all along and Texas owes Pennsylvania a $3 million dollar Christmas present.
    God Bless Us, Everyone.

    The problem is, it was, as it has been so often, a misguided Republican (or two) who think voter fraud is rampant (when in fact it is not and those who try are caught).. and three cases don’t warrant invalidating 5 million votes. But heck, that’s just science speaking.

  16. Another threadjack.
    Why are these idiots obsessed with Trump’s legal machinations to uncover voter & ballot fraud? It is all they talk about. They are seminar callers, instructed by their masters to fill the comment sections of every conservative blog with accusations of treason and malfeasance by Trump & his legal team.
    Isn’t it obvious? No matter what topic Mitch writes about, they comment as though he was defending Trump’s recount demands & fraud accusations. It is the same as if I went to every liberal blog, and no matter what the topic of the author’s post, I went on and on about Tony Rezko and Valerie Jarret, and the many ways Rezko & Jarret used Obama in their scheme to transfer tax payer money to their cronies, making sure to mention all of the Chicago “friends of Obama” who are doing hard time for corruption.

  17. Powerline reports that Walz & his sad crew of “public health experts” are finally getting some pushback from the “journalists” at their press briefings. The stories that they tell are all lies, and while I am certain 100% of the “journalists” back the DFL, they must feel a cold wind blow when they ask Walz & his nasty posse softball questions about what science justifies the MN lockdown and get goobledy-gook and misdirection as a response. They probably believed that it was all based on science, really, and Walz & co. just needed a chance to explain the super awesomeness of their science.
    The “journalists” are discovering that is all bullshit. Front to back, left to right, up and down, bullshit as far as the eye can see. Their is no scientific justification for closing restaurants, for closing schools, for restricting church attendance, for keeping families apart during the holiday season.
    It really is a crock of shit fed to “journalists” by the progressive politicians they love.

  18. If the election was as secure, pure and fair as the Democrats and their media allies claim, why not support an investigation to prove it?

    I ask again; why hasn’t the Indian, black, Kwanzaa celebrating (insert other group to pander to here) adulteress from CA resigned her senate seat? Emperor Newsom appointed a replacement, but it’s not an open seat yet.

    Finally, China, especially Wuhan, have returned to normal. Very few masks, because they are no longer required. Funny! They did this without a “vaccine”. Could it be that the most deadly virus known to man (read: only the true believers), just went away? You mean, Trump was right, AGAIN, just a few months later than he predicted?

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