Just Remember: There Is No Voting Fraud

SCENE: Mitch BERG is out mowing his leaves – using the lawn mower to chop and bag them. Taking a (what else?) left to right pass across his lawn, he is unaware of Avery LIBRELLE riding up the sidewalk behind him on reclining bike.


BERG: Er…hey, Avery.

LIBRELLE: You say that there’s rampant voting fraud!

BERG: I do indeed.

LIBRELLE: You mostly point to voting registration fraud! That doesn’t mean they actually vote.

BERG: So people manufacture thousands of bogus registrations just for the fun of it?

LIBRELLE: You can’t prove that’s not why they do it!

BERG: Huh. OK. Well, then, it appears some of them go on to manufacture the actual votes.

LIBRELLE: But if you suppress illegal ballots, you will inevitably suppress legal ones.

BERG: That makes no sense.

LIBRELLE: “Sense” is a social construct!

(Before BERG can reply, LIBRELLE motors on).



52 thoughts on “Just Remember: There Is No Voting Fraud

  1. 13 votes.. wooo, such a problem.

    These things are caught, a comprehensive study by the Brennan Center for Justice (of the NYU Law School), found about 15 fraudulent votes in roughly 9 million cast.

    No one said it NEVER happens, what has been said is it’s trivial beyond belief because it’s too hard to be successful and to KEEP SECRET.

    In fact, virtually all instances of actual vote fraud have been (over the past 20 years) perpetrated by Republicans. Maybe because you all are so convinced, without any evidence, of wide-spread fraud by Democrats you think it’s OK to do? Don’t know, don’t care, but it’s a farce. That’s why Trump’s commission was laughed out of the room, it’s why Norm Coleman, after PUBLICLY asserting it was wide-spread in his election with Franken, when asked for proof in court, said, (slight paraphrase but considering you have to make-up conversations to make your point I feel ok about a paraphrase), “Not only do we not have any proof, we don’t feel it happened, we do not make any such assertion.”

    But, hey, you keep repeating that lie 1000 times, eventually the lemmings may believe it.

  2. Nobody fills out fake absentee ballots, certainly not 140 of them claiming to live in a Post Office Box in Cedar-Riverside, that’s no way to beat an incumbent legislator. Convicted felons have never cast enough votes to swing a Senate election. Black Panthers would never stand outside a polling place, glaring to intimidate prospective voters. And nobody ever bought votes with cigarettes in Milwaukee or California.

    No, that’s all amateur stuff. Real crooks hack into the electronic voting machines. That’s how the Russians stole the last election for Trump and how the Ukrainians are going to steal this election for Biden. It’s all ones-and-zeros nowadays, baby.

  3. Actually if Russia had the power to swing the election, they would have done so for Hillary. Hillary has a long history of selling out the country so long as she gets her cut and Russia’s Komromat files on Hillary must ammount to several truck loads.

  4. Kompromat only works if the victim fears disclosure. Hillary has no such fear – any fool who made a blackmail threat would never live long enough to carry it out. The KGB wet-work division is her biggest fan club.

  5. “Abdihakim Amin Essa…”

    Ahh yes. Embrace the vibrancy, y’all.

    “Essa allegedly told authorities that he worked for a political campaign, but prosecutors did not say which candidate it was.”

    Pfffft. Well I’m stumped. Anyone help me out here?

    And, Merg; looks like you need some bug spray up in here, man.

  6. Seems our boy Abdi isn’t a US citizen.

    Leftist reprobates are OUTRAGED about foreign interference in our elections. Anyone think we can count on their support in getting this foreign agent deported back to his steaming dung mound after he serves his sentence?

  7. A system purposefully designed NOT to detect fraud, and you still detect some fraud? My auditor training suggests to me that this might be a huge iceberg.

  8. By the way, last week one of your “commenters” said “we have the 2nd Amendment to guarantee the 1st”

    Outside that reflecting a painfully naive’ understanding of the 2nd Amendment (go read about irregular militia, including US and international law to see if you have any “right to assemble to commit violence to uphold your rights” as a constitutional matter if you don’t believe that). Also, having served in the Army, let me assure you, you 2nd Amendment kooks will be mowed down like cord wood if the Army ever needed to suppress some kind of unlawful civilian revolt, your fake fatigues and your AR-15 are zero threat.

    But anyway, if you want to talk about ACTUAL threats to the 1st Amendment, you need look no further than this..


    Trump using the DOJ to enforce contract law about NDA’s, NDA’s which might belong solely to Trump Org, but even if not, consider the chilling effect on people telling the truth about government excess. Just get every gov’t employee to sign an NDA and if they speak up about abuse, sick the DOJ on them.

    Once again, just like your vote fraud issue, you guys worry about a toothpick in someone else’s eye when you have logs in your own. You OUGHT to care about the above, it OUGHT to make you righteously angry with Trump that he’d abuse the DOJ this way, but i’m sure it won’t.

  9. Swiftee, Abdi will fall under “didn’t know better” clause used so successfully in Europe for the rape of children.

    I mean, think about it, one of the reasons those “steaming dung mounds” are steaming dung mounds is the widespread corrupt electoral practices: how could Abdi know any better when he came here? Especially when people like PeeVee will happily cover for them. I mean, Abdi must think electoral fraud is on the up and up.

  10. It seems to me, that when federal elections are involved, the feds should have some oversight abilities.

    We know states and municipalities under reprobate control are rotten with fraud, but we’re stifled by our inability to compel their assistance in rooting it out.

    Hell, California has passed a law that allows illegals to hold office in state committees and boards. They’re not even trying to hide it any longer.

    Given the river of easily manipulated, low IQ foreign nationals that have snuck into the US with the aid and abettance of leftist traitors, this is an issue worthy of further action, but I’m not sure how to get things moving.

    Anyone have any ideas?

  11. I remember, years ago, how Major League Baseball kept insisting that the game didn’t have a problem with PEDs, and there was no need to test for them, since it almost never happened. And then they finally started testing for PEDs.

  12. I said it and I stand by it. I am amazed that someone would come to this very site and try to propagate old and disproven lies about the 2nd Amendment.

    Or thrill to an exciting conclusion of the 2nd Amendment debate when members of the US Army mow down their fellow citizens like cord wood – d’ja get a little woody thinking about that?

  13. “including US and international law“

    Who, besides slimey leftist bug men has a fuck to give what “international law” has to say about the God given rights we protect in our Constitution?

    The civilian militia in the US is well over 5 million strong. That makes us one of the largest armed forces on the planet. Furthermore, many are highly skilled in the use of their very capable firearms. The growing popularity of long range (1200 yds) target shooting proves it.

    Anonymous bug men sputter and fume impotently from behind their keyboards. We just chuckle.

    Sensible people realize the civilian militia is a force to be reckoned with; just as the founders intended it to be.

  14. It’s interesting to see the Left, normally preoccupied with managing to the exception, be so quick dismiss even the hint of a lack of integrity in the voting systems. You’d think, if they held voting so sacrosanct, they’d be willing to admit the system has flaws. And the standard of dismissing the concerns because of a low count of actual prosecutions shows a lapse in logic. It’s a secret ballot. Any fraud is being committed in secret. If I see a report of a series of burglaries in my neighborhood, and I routinely leave my doors unlocked while I’m gone, I may not have proof that someone broke into my house, but how certain am I someone has been in there without my knowledge? Restricting access only to the people who belong in my house with a lock is how I increase my certainty. It doesn’t deter the determined thief, but it makes it more obvious that the break-in occurred.

  15. The US military is about 2 million people, active and reserve, many of them time-serving uniform carriers. Let’s say there are 1.5 million trigger-pullers willing and able to shoot to kill and every one of them will gladly carry out unconstitutional orders to shoot their fellow citizens.

    In 2017, there were 36 million hunting licenses issued in the US, every one of them, by definition, a trigger-puller willing and eager to shoot to kill. They won’t all resist unconstitutional orders to surrender their arms. Maybe only 10 percent will decide to shoot back.

    That’s still 2-to-1 odds AGAINST you and your digie-wearing pals, PB. If there’s any mowing to be done . . . .

  16. Aside from sheer numbers, PB, has it never occurred to you that insurgents don’t march in straight lines or engage in stand-up battles where they can be mowed down? Don’t you ever watch CNN?

    When your convoy drives to the next neighborhood scheduled for “pacification,” who sweeps the road for IEDs? While you’re out shooting citizens, who’s protecting your home and family? All the lessons we learned so painfully over the last two decades fighting overseas – why won’t they apply at home?

    If numbers, firepower and technology were all it took to pacify a population, Afghanistan would be as peaceful as Afton.

  17. “Also, having served in the Army…”

    Wonder how many gallons of spit it out into the spuds it peeled.

  18. Paddy sounds like he’d go Rep Swalwell’s route when us gun toting knuckle draggers don’t get mowed down right away.

    Also, Loren is completely right about the current system. Fraud is detected in spite of the authorities refusing to look for it. After the 2008 election Minnesota Majority did a cursory review of voter rolls and restricted felons. They compared names and birth years and the sent their findings to County Prosecutors for further review and possible prosecution. Their findings were ignored. MM was even told that they had mixed up Juniors and Seniors despite the birth year part of the review.

  19. All the lessons we learned so painfully over the last two decades fighting overseas – why won’t they apply at home?

    True, true. It also occurs to me that once guns and ammo and other accouterments of mass destruction are made illegal, why couldn’t those borders, and especially that southern border that PeeVee and its ilk are so loath to protect, be used to smuggle new contraband. Hey! Maybe we could get those Fast and Furious weapons back, if they’re done with them down Mexico-way.

  20. a comprehensive study by the Brennan Center for Justice (of the NYU Law School), found about 15 fraudulent votes in roughly 9 million cast.
    Foolish, foolish peeve.
    The Brennan Center is hard-Left, open borders outfit. They support giving illegal aliens the right to vote.
    And what definition of “fraudulent vote cast” does the Brennan Center use, peeve? Do you even know? Does it mean “voted illegally”? Or “voted improperly”? Nope. The Brennan Center has its own special definition of voter fraud that it conjured up out of thin air. That definition is that the vote has to be both illegally cast according to the law, and it must be cast in order to influence the outcome of an election, which gets into mens rea, and this is really, really, hard to prove.
    Using the Brennan Center’s definition of “fraudulent voting,” I could drive a busload of illegals to a polling place, vouch for them as being from my precinct and so able to vote, assist them in voting, and no “fraudulent voting” would have occurred.
    Because I didn’t personally vote, so no fraud there, and the illegals I assisted in casting their ballots did not knowingly do so as an attempt to sway the outcome of an election.
    If I am a pol worker, and I knowingly throw out ballots from people I don’t like, while double-counting vote from people I do like?
    No voter fraud, says the Brennan Center, because I never voted at all.

  21. If I am an activist, and I go door to door registering people to vote who I know or have good reason to believe are not eligible to vote, and I urge them to vote and tell them that it is perfectly legal for them to vote (when I know it is not), and all of those people go out on election day and vote, have any fraudulent votes been cast?
    Not according to the Brennan Center.
    The Brennan Center’s definition of “fraudulent voting” is so contrived, so designed to produce a useless result, that serious social scientists and political scientists who study voter fraud had to come up with new definition (“ballot fraud”) to study the problem of political actors illegally manipulating the vote count.

  22. Scolding bug men like Peevee is a waste of time; they don’t care.

    But here’s a little something that is bound to get his exoskeleton twisted. A woman (a white one, Peevee) uses a worthless AR15 to defend her family; kills a brown man, sends another running for his life. Those damned 2nd Amendment kooks probably did it *just* to make teh Peevee look like a witless asshole, again.


  23. Paddywhacker, you must have been a typist in the Army, IF you ever really were in the Army.

    As has previously been pointed out, there are plenty of “2nd Amendment kooks” that are real veterans and realize that the Constitution is unique to our country and is what they take an oath to defend. Urban warfare is a bitch and if military personnel follow unlawful orders to kill us kooks, most of them will be fighting in cities and surrounding areas that they are not familiar with. You know, like the jungle fighting in the Pacific in WWII and in Vietnam that accounted for so many American casualties. Further, you obviously aren’t familiar with guerrilla warfare, because a lot of those real veterans will know how to use the weapons platforms they are fighting, so a fair amount of tanks, Bradleys, etc; will simply be stolen or commandeered and turned against their attackers.

  24. What many Americans don’t realize is we have never fought a modern guerrilla war at home. Our troops could be fearless because their loved ones were safe, an ocean away from conflict. Ignoring that fact is a huge blind spot.

    Consider: Americans move into a foreign town, kick out the bad guys, make friends with the Mayor, problem solved, right? No, because as soon as we leave, the bad guys filter back, publicly gang-rape the Mayor’s wife, torture him to death, then promise to do the same to anybody who collaborates with the Americans. We saw it in the Gulf War. We see it in narco-terrorist controlled areas and also in Africa (remember “bring back our girls”). It’s a proven technique to intimidate and dominate civilian populations.

    But nothing happens to the American soldiers’ wives. They’re safe at home. Our troops can move onto the next town, secure in the knowledge their loved ones are protected.

    So what happens after Paddy Boy and his buddies muster at the National Guard Armory and head out to start kicking down doors to seize Evil Black Rifles? Who’s guarding Paddy Boy’s home from firebombers? Who’s guarding his wife and kids at home? Who’s guarding the politicians deemed by the rebels to be collaborators, and their families? The rules of civilized warfare prohibit targeting officers and civilian leaders for assassination, prohibit torturing prisoners, prohibit using children as human shields. The rules of uncivilized warfare . . . don’t exist, there are no rules, only tactics. And we already know which ones work.

    Anybody contemplating an assault on American citizens using American troops operating on American soil has a problem not seen since 1865, when Confederate troops in the field had to worry about Union troops in their homes. Blowing hot air about mowing people down isn’t going to solve that problem.

  25. The desire of Lefties like Peeve to politically oppress and do violence to their fellow citizens is unfortunate.
    There all idiots. Bragging about being willing to commit violence to prevent possible violence is stupid, but we all know that.

  26. Joe, little Peevee isn’t alone. Many reprobates wank themselves while picturing Americans being mowed down by government troops, but in truth, they know A) It wouldn’t happen and B) If it did, it would be a bloody mess that the government would ultimately lose.

    *That’s* why they are froze to get everyone disarmed. Peevee says “Muh worthless AR15”, but what he means is “That damned 2nd Amendment is all that stands between us and complete control over your lives”. I think Berg has one of his rules covering it.

    As everyone knows, I suffer from an irrational fear of firearms. But I take comfort in knowing my fellow Americans would stand together to protect me and my family from Peevee’s Stoßtruppen if the need arose. I’d load magazines for y’all while literally shaking.

  27. BTW. Peevee projects the truth what I’ve said:

    “By the way, last week one of your “commenters” said “we have the 2nd Amendment to guarantee the 1st”

    Can you see the seething anger behind that sentence? Peevee can’t remember the last time he brushed his tooth, but he remembered that statement from last week. Reprobates get knotted up everytime someone says the 2nd is the ultimate guarantee of our rights; they HATE it. They *know* it’s true, and they can’t abide the thought that “We The People” have the ability to keep our freedom.

    Peevee BTFO again.

  28. To be fair though he is pissed because we ARENT like Europe or Australia in that right. Teh peeveee please go where speech codes are being put in and only your wise overlords in government are able to own weapons. You dont even have to go overseas, Im sure Canada will accomodate you. If you have any actual skill besides crap posting and running a blog no one reads.

  29. “let me assure you, you 2nd Amendment kooks will be mowed down like cord wood if the Army ever needed to suppress some kind of unlawful civilian revolt, your fake fatigues and your AR-15 are zero threat.”
    Red flag! Take his guns away! That includes the pop-gun.

  30. I’m sure that Paddywhacker has his house posted a firearms free zone, so he’s confident that sign will protect him and his family from 2nd Amendment kooks that won’t turn in their illegally purchased/obtained guns, no matter what his gubmint masters do.

  31. Less than 3K instances of voter fraud — nationwide? Out of 130M votes cast in the 2016 presidential election?

    That tells me voter fraud is rare.

    It would appear you need some help with your math skills.

  32. So your logic is… its rare so why bother with it? Maybe it reqiures deeper investigation, I mean if we spent billions of taxpayer dollars on the worthless Mueller report shouldnt we spend at least that much investingating something that is actually a threat to our Republic? Not something cooked up by a spy to lead the media on a wild goose chase for 24+ months

  33. That tells me voter fraud is rare.

    And your comment tells me you don’t understand that those are the ones that got caught trying to secretly influence a system where secrecy is a key feature.

    So much for making sure “every vote counts.”

    It would appear you I need some help with your math reasoning and logic skills.

    The DNC needs to change its mascot from the ass to the ostrich.

  34. I also remember when the little weasel explained how we needed to let Mueller do his job to completion because the accusations of electoral fraud, based on little or no evidence, could possibly indicate a much deeper and more widespread criminal and indeed treasonous conspiracy.

    But actual electoral fraud? Just a few isolated instances.

  35. Remember back in the olden days, when Liberals went on and on about tips of icebergs? Couldn’t shut them up about it. For example, here’s the Wikipedia authority on rape:

    “Based on correlating multiple data sources, RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) estimates[30] that for every 1,000 rapes, 384 are reported to police, 57 result in an arrest, 11 are referred for prosecution, 7 result in a felony conviction, and 6 result in incarceration.”

    So obtaining convictions for 7 rapists means there actually are 1,000 rapists out there. If the same math held true in voter fraud, 1,071 criminal convictions would indicate 153,000 instances of voter fraud. Depending on where they occurred (and there’s no reason to believe they’d be uniformly distributed nationwide instead of concentrated in a few areas of critical importance), that much voter fraud could easily have swayed the election.

    Of course, the rape model of unreported and unprosecuted crime doesn’t apply to voter fraud, right? 3,000 instances of fraud and every single one was accounted for, none were swept under the rug by corrupt election officials or dismissed by partisan prosecutors. There is no iceberg for voter fraud, right?

  36. Joe its why there would never be a deep federal dive into this. It also makes it that much more amazing that Republicans get elected to anything with the systemic problem. And can we all agree this was the only reason why Franken got into the Senate? Well that and Norm was a horrible candidate…

  37. I’ve noticed two things about Ian comments. They’re always interesting and they’re always moderated. That’s quite a trick there, guy.

  38. I’m utterly shocked — you all do not believe the results of Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

  39. 🚨BREAKING (but not surprising) NEWS 🚨

    Gordon Sondland, Trump’s appointee, changes testimony to say there was clear quid pro quo ~ The Hill

    “In a substantial update to his initial account, Gordon D. Sondland recounted how he told Ukrainian officials military aid was tied to their commitment to investigations President Trump wanted. The new account suggested that Mr. Sondland may have not been completely forthcoming…”

    I looked up “understatement” in the Dictionary. Didn’t like it.

    I looked up “lied like a cornered rat”.

    Much better.

    Funny what the threat of perjury can do to one’s memory, isn’t it?

  40. I’m utterly shocked — you all do not believe the results of Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

    Yeah, I’ve this twice now. But I saw no links to back it up and when I went to check for myself I saw no such conclusions or results.

    I did see a number of interesting stories like how 11 counties in CA have more voters than voting-age citizens or how the commission’s work was hindered and under attack by lefties during its entire tenure. But I’m sure these were just extremists.

  41. Emery, you are as wrong on impeachment as you were about Mueller’s fizzle of an investigation, and your hilarious prediction on the eve of the 2016 election that Hillary was headed for an electoral college landslide.
    You keep writing checks on an account the bank closed long ago.

  42. Oh, look at D_K whining about Trump’s election commission…he thinks he’s on to something, poor dimwit.

    Hold my beer and watch this slap down:

    “California, Virginia, Kentucky, New York and Massachusetts said they wouldn’t cooperate with the request from Trump’s commission”


    All leftist shitholes. No wonder they found nothing.

    D_K BTFO, again.

  43. Funny what the threat of perjury can do to one’s memory, isn’t it?

    True. Especially when it comes with the “suggestion” one might change previous testimony to something more in line with the aims of impeachment crew. I mean, with revised testimony perhaps those perjury papers could get lost.

  44. Speaking of election fraud, I just returned from voting against organized garbage collection. At least, I think I did. The referendum question is something like “should Ordinance 123 be retained?” What the . . . ?

    They do helpfully explain that a Yes vote means we keep the ordinance, a No vote means we ditch it. I would have preferred

    Choose one of the following:

    a. I want to select my own garbage hauler and pay for it myself or

    b. I want the City Council to select one of their buddies to haul my garbage and charge me exorbitantly on my city taxes.

    You know, some fair explanation of the issues at stake.

    Also, what’s with having the same five dummies show up as candidates for city council in all the precincts? How can I get rid of Amy Brendmoen if she’s eligible every time? Talk about election fraud – I bet there aren’t a dozen valid ballots cast, all the rest will be tossed because the voter was confused. If any of those crooks who voted in organized garbage are voted out, I’ll be astonished.

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