Institutional Sadists

Back during blogging’s brief heyday, I commented that a few of the “progressive” bloggers that tried to make a sport of getting conservatives fired, doxxed and “othered” were the kinds of people who’d loved pulling the wings off of moths as children. I’ve found little to change that assessment.

It carries on to the insitutional level, according to Dennis Prager in this article about Big Left’s cavorting about the ongoing legal pummeling of Paul Manafort.

Big Left is those moth kids with law degrees.

11 thoughts on “Institutional Sadists

  1. They really are mad and sad little people. Its no wonder in damn near every poll taken conservatives are generally happy and liberals/leftists are sad/angry. It can also be surmised in a conversation I overheard at the end of my Bible study earlier this week; guy with common sense “It doesnt matter if I throw this in garbage or recycling, it all ends up in the same place in the end”. Leftist activst, environazi girl, “We need to change the system so that doesnt happen anymore.” I thought about commenting but you know, it just wasnt worth my time or effort.

  2. Some a journalist will blow the lid off of the “recycling” scam.
    It is a frikkin’ religion to some people. It is not cost effective in most cases. It is heavily subsidized, and, many times, the subsidies aren’t enough, so all the carefully sorted trash is dumped in a landfill.

  3. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that leftism is generally detached from reality. It’s kinda hard to maintain basic human kindness when you know you have to lie to obtain your objective.

  4. mad and sad little people

    You forgot evil MFers; “everyone” rolls their eyes when Schlichter talks about how leftists (including liberals) hate non-leftists and that you should buy guns and ammo, but leftists give some indication of the deep abiding hatred every day. Trump’s greatest gift to us all was getting them to reveal that hatred. Manafort’s treatment is unconscionably evil.
    For some people who are ignorant and/or just plain dumb, recycling is a religion, but it’s actually a grift that increases the corruption in society. Correct me if I’m wrong, but much of the recycling grift was based on being able to send it all to China would then process it and and turn it into useful trinkets or something. But I recall that China has now decided that they’ve taken quite enough and so PoD’s comment about it all ends up in the same place is quite literally true.

    And enviro-girl is just exactly the ignorant and/or dumb bint that thinks reality is a choice.

  5. Nearly half of the do gooder recycling crowd, doesn’t know what can be recycled and what can’t, thereby causing huge headaches for the haulers.

    There was an article about recycling in the Red Star back in February? In the article, we jdm’s point, the Chinese changed their requirements for accepting recycled materials. It now needs to be 98% clean. The hauler representative being interviewed, mentioned that one greasy pizza box could ruin a whole shipment of cardboard. He also stated that glass and plastic containers need to be rinsed a couple of times to clean it enough that it doesn’t attract vermin and all labels need to be removed.

  6. I don’t know if they do it everywhere, but when I lived in Waseca, I was told that the major use of recycled glass was road base–when I asked what would be the problem if I put colored glass in with the clear glass, they told me that. Two thoughts:

    1. As I wear out tires more quickly, I’m so grateful that the road base will now cut rubber more readily, especially on my bike.

    2. Since you’ve got paper labels and leftover organics in the mix, you’ve got something in the asphalt that will hold water, thus creating ice and cracking your road more quickly.

    So you save gravel, mined cheaply by the ton, and use a lot more heavy petroleum distillates and coal tar. I don’t know that this is a win, to put it mildly. Waseca was also where I learned about “organic” (low tar) shingles that broke down in ten years or less–I’m pretty sure the energy spent replacing those roofs that quickly more than overcame the tar not used for those shingles. A bit of fiberglass in them might have helped, too.

    Point of reference; in discussing an issue with one leftist close to me, he (a Harvard grad no less) refused to even consider the implications if something was true that didn’t fit his worldview. So in another way, big portions of the leftist worldview are indeed predicated on a “stiff arm” to evidence.

  7. Another thought on shipping recyclables to China; I remember reading about a decade ago that it cost $3000 with low shipping (diesel) prices, but about $8000 when diesel got to about $4/gallon. So we’d assume that shipping across the Pacific might take 500-1000 gallons (2-4 tons) of diesel per 40-50 foot container, for maybe 20 tons of recyclables. Suffice it to say we are not exactly talking about an environmental win here. Recycling works great for aluminum, OK for steel, glass, and newspaper, and really poorly for most plastics.

  8. Suffice it to say we are not exactly talking about an environmental win here.

    It’s like when enviros talk about how much better electric cars are because they don’t use “oil” not thinking that that electricity has to be produced somewhere. More often than by something involving oil or gas.

  9. Nah, you did fine, POD–first by going to the Bible study, and then by reporting that even among Christians, that the refusal to seriously look at the data is endemic–environmentalism is one big area, and I’ve seen it with regards to abortion and other issues. Too many of us have been conditioned to think with our hearts (or somewhat lower) and ignore what our brains would love to tell us if we would only listen.

    JDM: it may be changing, but since most electric cars are charged at night, the fuel used, even in places like California, is predominantly “coal”. The trick is that even with cheap natural gas, coal fired boilers are the easiest to bring off spinning reserve and into generation, and those same boilers and turbines can only withstand a limited number of heating/cooling cycles before fatigue sets in. Utilization #s from the government from a few years back: nuclear, 90%, coal, 70%, natural gas, 50% or so. So when you plug in your Tesla to charge it at night, the nuclear plant manages base load, the coal plant comes off spinning reserve to charge it, and the gas turbine was idled at 9-10pm.

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