What’s The Fastest Way To Get National Media Coverage?


  1. Be a loser living in their mom’s basement, or a preacher of some obscure separatist sect back in some holler in the Appalachians, or to pick a current example, the “editor” of a newspaper with a circulation roughly that of this blog’s daily readership. Then…
  2. Express some form of sympathy for the Klan, or the Nazis, or any other white supremacist group
  3. Watch the media beat a path to your door.

The media is, of course, trying to “de-normalize” opposition to the Big Left – to create the impression that the people #TheResistance is resisting really are the deplorables really are the cartoons Obama and Hillary described.

Our media have to crawl way up into “the woodwork” to create the impression that racists are “coming out of the woodwork”.

But let’s be fair – it is more honest than the Southern Poverty Law Center’s approach, which is to just lie about it.

2 thoughts on “What’s The Fastest Way To Get National Media Coverage?

  1. “… It’s not calling for the lynchings of Americans. These are socialist-communists we’re talking about. Do you know what socialism and communism is?” Sutton said.”

    He’s not wrong.

  2. Curious…
    Would Merg post a link to an article, that posting a quote from would guarantee moderation?

    Redeculiose !

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