Illiterates Lead

A couple of gun-grabber groups scheduled a protest over the weekend.

The plan was to picket the Minnesota “NRA Office”. 

On the one hand, I say “protest away”.  Especially the groups involved in Saturdays plans – the David Hogg-affiliated student group, and “Survivors Lead”, a new-ish gun grabber group made up of people who found “Protect” MN too sober and rational.

But whatever side of the issue you’re on, whatever your sympathies, there was one…er, flaw with the protest plan:

Oh, not to say that one of the event’s “organizers” didn’t try to defend the plan:

And let’s be honest – when you’re in the echo chamber, all that echoing sounds pretty cool:

Thing is, what the “students” and their adult advisors wranglers had done was go out to the NRA website, and apparently find “Locations”.

And saw that Suite 200 at Spruce Tree Square was listed.

Without bothering to read the link that the office was actually the Minnesota Peace Officers Standards and Training office – specifically, an office that administers a federal program allowing retired law enforcement officers – the ones that most of your gun grabbers think should be the only ones with guns – to get carry permits.  The instructors for the permits are certified by…well, the NRA.

So – is it a wonder they can’t research the law, history, statistics or current events, when they can’t even click a link to find out what’s in an office?

5 thoughts on “Illiterates Lead

  1. That’s hilarious.

    But y’all don’t have the time to focus on just one issue. The self loathing, commie dooshnozzles running your biggest cities are running a-fucking-mok.

    This was sent to me by my millennial son who commented “fuck this”. He fact checked it, because it looked too crazy to be true; but it is. That boy is gonna be fine.

    Here’s a little phrase y’all better commit to memory.

    Maxay xaaskaaga xijaabtay xijaabka?

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.06.18 : The Other McCain

  3. My favorite part of this story was the newscast I saw. The”protesters” were talking in front of the camera and visible over the person’s shoulder was the “We ban guns on the premises” sign that Spruce Tree Center has at every entrance.

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