
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

When the gun grabbers want to push gun control, they decry 30,000 gun violence deaths per year. But wait, 20,000 of them are old white men committing suicide and 10,000 are young black men killing each other in the hood. The causes are completely different and the cures are therefore different.  One needs mental health intervention, the other needs stop and frisk. You can’t lump them altogether with the one-size-fits-all solution “close the gun show loophole.”
Amnesty advocates for illegal aliens claim there are 11 million living in the shadows. But wait, some were children brought here by their parents (dreamers), some are parents of children born here (anchor babies), some are adults who jumped the border alone (beast train), some had student visas but never went home (9/11 hijackers).   The causes are completely different and therefore the cures are different. Going after visa holders and eliminating chain migration does not eliminate the need for a border wall.  It just means we need to work twice as hard to clean up the entire festering mess.
Build the damned wall.
Joe Doakes

Sometimes, when a family works on its finances, the solutions are “Spend less”, “earn more” or “live on a budget”.  And sometimes the answer is all three.  Stat.  

One thought on “Contraindicated

  1. I’m in the camp that says a wall is a distraction. We’ve had a poor Mexico across an unwalled border for well over a century. Illegal immigration was not big problem before the 1980s (or thenabouts). We need rigorous enforcement of existing law. With rare exceptions, it is illegal in this country to work for wages w/o a social security number. I would rather spend 4 billion $ on workplace enforcement and social security fraud than on building a wall.

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