6 thoughts on “An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

  1. a voice from the Krugman School Of Economics – this quote from the article is telling
    Overall, Trump/Goldman bill amounts to a massive “tax heist,” one of the largest transfers of public wealth to private elites and corporations in U.S. history—at least since the massive taxpayer-funded bailouts of Goldman Sachs and other giant Wall Street banks in 2008–09.

    Clearly its their, the collective’s, money (public wealth) and Trump is stealing it and giving it to the people who earned it. Using “Progressive” logic it is clear to our properly educated betters that they have first dibs on the fruits of our labor and we should be grateful that they give us somewhat less than half for our troubles.
    Expect to keep running into that term of art; public wealth

  2. See, the secret is that government can never do with LESS revenue. They must always expand spending, and then add a fig leaf of taxes to cover their profligate ways. And if the federal spendthrifts spend too much, they’ll simply print up some more.

  3. “See, the secret is that government can never do with LESS revenue. They must always expand spending, and then add a fig leaf of taxes to cover their profligate ways. And if the federal spendthrifts spend too much, they’ll simply print up some more.”

    B I N G O


    Also, Penigma must be banned.

  4. The line of people wanting to pre-pay property taxes so they can deduct them from this year’s income tax return, stretches beyond the rope line and out the door.

    How many of them are Liberal Democrats who scold me to be happy to pay for a better Minnesota? I should check the parking lot for Wellstone stickers.

  5. CBIT,

    “Also, Penigma must be banned.”

    I never ban people for disagreeing, even badly.

    Just for bad behavior (see the late Dog Gone).

  6. I’m mostly kidding, and trying to provoke him, but WTF is the point of him being here if he won’t engage with more of us that counter his points? If he needs an echo chamber, there are far better choices than this place.

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