Oh, Snowflakes. Just You Wait.

Twin Cities far-left doesn’t trust the left-wing media, creates its own.

Distrust of the news media has permeated recent protest movements in Minnesota and nationwide. It’s changed the way groups spread their message. When organizations like Black Lives Matter have something to say, they’ll put it on Facebook or Twitter instead of going to a news outlet.

On social media, there’s little filter of information, [Hah Hah Hah – Ed.] and the groups can control the entirety of their message instead of handing it off to a reporter to present it.

Activists say news organizations have a history of unequally or inaccurately representing minority groups, which they say contributes to systemic oppression. That makes nontraditional groups like Unicorn Riot an easier source for social justice movements to trust.

There’s no question that the local mainstream media favors the big, institutional left – read “DFL”.

I suspect that’s more a matter of convenience (and the fact that most activists are terrible sources).

16 thoughts on “Oh, Snowflakes. Just You Wait.

  1. Well, without an MSM filter, I cannot wait for the full unabridged text of the leftist fascist manifestos. They are not very smart, are they?

  2. The chasm between what passes for conservatism in this country and “the left” today is the extraordinary degree to which they differ on the use of facts versus fallacies to justify their ideologies.

  3. the extraordinary degree to which they differ on the use of facts versus fallacies to justify their ideologies

    And the almost Yeshiva-like hairsplitting that goes into dividing opinions between “Fallacies” and “Differences in Subjective Opinion”, not to mention which subjects’ fallacies are considered and which ignored.

    Both sides believe things the other side doesn’t. Both sides – mostly the left – believe things that the evidence shows is not true.

  4. The inability to distinguish fantasy from reality is a sign of mental illness.

    The Left is the most under-treated population in the world.

  5. It’s probably a good sign when you quit linking to infowars, instapundit and daily caller.

  6. Media Matters for America spends a lot of pixels attacking Bill O”Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.
    So I guess MMfA is working hard to convince people that O’Reilly and Limbaugh are bad journalists and not entertainers.
    Both Limbaugh and O’Reilly have a huge profile on L Wing attack & “fact check” web sites. Limbaugh’s daily audience is about ten million, O’Reilly topped out out at about five million. Only 5-6 percent of voters listen to Limbuagh or O’Reilly in a given month.
    When conservatives mention Limbaugh or O’Reilly, it is in the context of show biz or journalistic controversies, not their political ideas (I’ve always thought of O’Reilly as more of a pre-60s Democrat than a Republican). SITD is an example of this. How often does Mitch mention Limbaugh or O’Reilly, and in what context?
    On the other hand, if you watch the network news, it is nearly all liberal propaganda masquerading as unbiased “news.”

  7. It’s probably a good sign when you quit linking to infowars, instapundit and daily caller.

    Or mediamatters, or mediate, or CBS or CNN, or ABC, or NBC, or Fox, or Vox, or ESPN, or MSNBC, or Time, or Newsweek, or the Hill, or HuffPo, or wikipeadia. Who did I leave out?

  8. Leftists prefer social media like Twitter because their message gets out unfiltered by reporters and editors.

    In completely unrelated news, the Left is furious President Trump uses Twitter so much. Why doesn’t he give press conferences so his message can be filtered by reporters and editors?

    Can I get a “Duh?”

  9. “Who did I leave out?”
    more of the Alt-Left Media(ALM):
    Wapo, NYT, LATimes, DU, OccupyDemocrats, StarTribune, PBS, WPR, MPR NPR, Pacifica, MinnPost, Penigma,

  10. I thought I had read that 17% of Clinton supporters believed the infowars-pizza gate nonsense.

  11. I thought I had read that 17% of Clinton supporters believed the infowars-pizza gate nonsense.

    And 100% believe DNC servers were cracked by Russians (boo!) and sTrumpet/Russia (boo!) collusion. Say, ever heard of Iman Awar? Did not think so. Truth and facts are not your forte, nor your interest. Keep on keeping on, snowfalke.

  12. Given the incredible security Hilliary put on her own server, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Russians hacked DNC servers, too. The result is that they did what the media should have done; told the truth about Hilliary.

    Spying, or public service? We report, you decide. I’m leaning to the latter.

  13. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.24.17 : The Other McCain

  14. “The chasm between what passes for leftist “thought” and the incredibly sharp conservative commentary at SITD is the extraordinary degree to which they differ on the use of plagarized, inane papspew versus insightful, intelligent opinions to justify their ideologies.”

    FTFY D_K

  15. BTW, D_K…

    The NARN always broadcasts from the fair. You should come…I’ll buy you something on a stick.

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