Lie First, Lie Always: Slander

We’ve been pointing out for years – correctly – that “Protect” Minnesota has never, not once, made a single statement that is simultaneously original, substantial and true.

But today, the’ve slid over the line into slander.

“We hope that groups like Minnesota Gun Rights, Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus and Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance can provide good information to the FBI to find and arrest the people responsible” for the Dar Al Farook firebombing?

Even by Nancy Nord Bence’s, er, casual standards of honesty and integrity, this is – pardon the middle-English – chickenshit.

And in a jiust world, it’d be actionable.  Let’s review from a couple years ago; Defmation – Libel and Slander – are when Party A says something about Party B that:

  • Is untrue
  • Can damage Party B’s livelihood and reputation in the community
  • If Party B is a public figure (and the three groups that Nord Bence slandered certainly are),  it can be shown that Party A acted with a malicious disregard for fact.

“P”M’s claim that any Minnesota 2nd Amendment group knows who bombed Dar Al Farook is certainly untrue.  Accusations of abetting terrorism are certainly damaging to a community non-profit group.  And given Nancy Nord Bence and her associates’ long record of scabrous attacks on GOCRA and MNGOC, malice isn’t a huge stretch.

If the gun groups want to sue, I’ll set up a kickstarter to raise funds.

PS to lawyers in the audience:  Yep.  I know.  Negligence is a defense against the “Malicious Intent” element.  It says something that “P”M’s big defense in this case is “We’re too stupid and morally bankrupt to know any better”.  God bless America.

9 thoughts on “Lie First, Lie Always: Slander

  1. I think suing would be counterproductive. What would be better is to simply keep mocking these guys with their strange dis-association with the truth.

  2. “We hope that groups like Minnesota Gun Rights, Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus and Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance can provide good information to the FBI to find and arrest the people responsible” for the Dar Al Farook firebombing?

    Let’s turn it around on them. The post seems to imply they know it was some person or persons from a 2nd Amendment group. Do they have proof of this? Why haven’t they turned it over to the FBI? Isn’t withholding evidence a crime?

  3. The firebombing (IF that’s what actually happened) is somehow related to gun rights advocacy groups????? FREAKING SHAMEFUL!!!!

  4. Every reprobate, scumbag leftist out there is swarming like maggots on this story, all trying to tear a little piece of flesh from it.

    The FBI said it was an “IED”, but from the pictures I’ve seen, it looks like a broken window and some papers scattered around. This thing stinks to high heaven…which, now that I think of it, is probably why it’s covered with maggots.

    I usually don’t give these incidents much attention, but with this one I’m praying the perp turns out to be one of the mosque’s flock.

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