Our Ignorant Totalitarian “Liberal” Overlords

State Representative Alice Hausman, on Facebook:

Kommissar Hausman:  perhaps you’ve heard of the Fifth Amendment?  Nobody can be compelled to testify themselves?

Also – the “qualified immunity” laws that you, in the legislature, continually pass and expand to keep the DFL’s benefactors in the (are you ready for this) Police Union happy pretty much spell out how officers are treated after an officer-involved shooting.

Rep. Hausman:  it’s starting to occur to me that HD66A didn’t lose out on all that much expertise when you fobbed your job off on Heather Martens.

4 thoughts on “Our Ignorant Totalitarian “Liberal” Overlords

  1. I seem to recall that in the CC classes you are advised to avoid being interviewed for 24 hours after you’ve shot someone – or at least until you’ve spoken to an attorney – to allow yourself time to process what happened. You don’t want to say anything for the record while the adrenaline and psychic trauma of the event are still affecting your brain. I’m sure this is partly why this clause is written into the police labor contract; would be nice if citizens were given the same leeway.

  2. What NW says. In this case, as with any case where self-defense is claimed, the shooter is pretty much going to have to testify in his own defense or be jailed. The 5th Amendment here mostly says that he makes this choice, and gets some discretion about when and where to testify in the case he does not want to be jailed.

    Regarding the representative’s comment, one would have thought that people on the left would instinctively know why being dragged off and interrogated was wrong, but I guess I am incorrect on that score.

  3. Regarding the representative’s comment, one would have thought that people on the left would instinctively know why being dragged off and interrogated was wrong, but I guess I am incorrect on that score.

    BB, increasingly, the left are in favor of dragging people off and interrogating them, if they are of the wrong political persuasion. We don’t know what Noor’s politics are. On one hand, most Somali Muslims have been roped into the groupthink of the left. On the other hand, the vast majority of cops are at least right-leaning, if not very conservative. But I think it’s safe to say that Hausman’s reflexively leftist anti-police mindset dominated over her ‘protect the favored protected classes’ mindset.

    I think Hausman unintentionally showed a little too much of her poker hand.

  4. I have another gun question. Is a hand gun that is powerful enough to drop a deer more of a toy, or do people use them for self defense or whatever?

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