
Earlier this week: Donald Trump urges Second Amendment supporters to stand up for their rights to the political process. Mainstream media and the left (pardon the redundancy) craps a kitten at the “call for violence” which was not.

Earlier this week: Donald Trump urges Second Amendment supporters to stand up for their rights to the political process. Mainstream media and the left (pardon the redundancy) craps a kitten at the “call for violence” which was not.

Democrat strategist calls for assassination of whistleblower. 

Wait – do you think there’s a conclusion to this?

61 thoughts on “Bloodlust

  1. Ah, Em, but it’s all about the Clintons! And the Clintons are all about the Benjamins!

  2. I resent having my name used to anything Clinton related. Where can I file a grievance?

  3. In other words kel: it’s not all about you. Get over it. Adapt to a changing world.

    If that’s the best defense you have of globalism vs. nationalism EI, nationalism has already won.

  4. No more than it’s about Trump and his outsized ego. The primaries are done and the rest of the country is now getting acquainted with Donald Trump. They and not the GOP base will determine the outcome. Something the GOP base apparently didn’t consider when they nominated Trump.

  5. POD: The US was 50% of the global economy in 1946. It is about 20% of it now. Americans have to understand that most of what we choose to call globalization happened in the rest of the globe, not because of what the US did or didn’t do, or what trade deals we did or did not sign. Globalization happened because the other 95% of the world’s population became more productive, in part because they mimicked the US. Free trade deals did not cause globalization; they are the best response to a world that has become globalized.

  6. EI if facts were going to play a role in this presidential election season neither presidential candidate would have made it through their primaries. The fact is Trump can, for whatever reason, really connect with the rust belt that has gotten screwed in these free trade deals. Whether or not he can do what he’s promising is Irrelevant, its that Clinton sounds so tone deaf and out of touch that life long democrats are voting Trump.

  7. Something the GOP base apparently didn’t consider when they nominated Trump.
    It wasn’t the base, the base was for Cruz. Trump brought many crossover democrats and first time voters that didn’t know what a primary was this time last year.

  8. I’ve been wrong about Trump since the beginning. Could he win? Absolutely! In theory the race should tighten in the fall. But this election cycle is not our typical cycle. So I certainly wouldn’t write Trump off > unless Clinton continues to build her lead and Trump continues to shoot his mouth off.

  9. DG’s comments ignoring the clear implications of Mr. Obama’s public statements–much clearer than Trump’s–brilliantly illustrate the fact that if it weren’t for double standards, the left wouldn’t have any standards at all.

    Honestly, DG, if you’re going to complain about people making incitements to violence, you need to deal with your own people doing that. That includes, sad to say, the President.

    Plus, if one reads the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, or a host of other important documents from around 1650 to 1800 in England, Scotland, and the U.S.A., you’re going to find that yes, chief political thinkers of the time did indeed see the private ownership of firearms as a bulwark against a government encroaching on human rights granted by God–an encroachment that President Obama emphatically endorses.

    No wonder the left is having a hissy fit here. Again, double standards aggravated by a sense of guilt about what they’re doing.

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