A Laughing Matter

While the Democrats love to prate and gabble about “gun violence”, they stay rigorously clear on the one “gun safety” measure that has a proven record of, y’know, reducing gun crime – prosecuting criminals who use guns.

The federal legal framework for going after gun criminals has existed for a long, long time – but different administrations, shall we say, approach the issue with different degrees of vigor:


The Clinton administration talked a good game on guns–remember the “assault weapons” ban?–but when it came to actual law enforcement, its record was horrendous. (Someone should mention that to Hillary.) Things shaped up considerably under the Bush administration, which achieved record levels of gun-crime-related convictions. But when Barack Obama became president and Eric Holder took over the Department of Justice, enforcement went straight downhill. Over the course of the Obama administration, it has only gotten worse. Today, gun convictions are down 35% since the Bush administration peak in 2005 and 2006. Obama and Holder had an agenda, but it wasn’t law enforcement.

So on guns, as with regard to most other issues, Barack Obama is all talk. He isn’t interested in solving problems, he is just seeking political advantage. His corrupt administration can’t end soon enough.

Unless, of course, it’s replaced by something worse.

3 thoughts on “A Laughing Matter

  1. You don’t understand that Holder is in full SJW mode.

    Suppose Holder were to prosecute criminals on weapons charges just based on the fact that someone with a weapon committed a crime. Since individuals of Holder’s and Obama’s hue are more than 5x more likely to commit a crime, and roughly 5x more likely to be a felon, then prosecuting weapons crime would have a “disparate impact” on “people of color” and, thus, “raaaaascis!”

    Holder and Obama’s solution to the problem of “judicial oppression” is prosecutorial discretion. It’s working out about as well as St. Paul’s similar discretion on suspensions and expulsions.

  2. One has to wonder how many people of color have died because Mr. Soetoro refused to enforce the law. I’m pretty sure it’s a couple of hundred in the past year in Baltimore and St. Louis alone.

    With friends like Mr. Obama, blacks don’t need enemies.

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox, 01.06.15 : The Other McCain

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