4 thoughts on “Consistency

  1. At least he called out the Red Star for their failure to report on this. Of course, none of the other Democrap water carriers reported on it, either.

    The commenters overwhelmingly agreed with the author’s point, too.

  2. Protest until the invitation is canceled. Shout down the speech. Picket the university to fire the professor. Normal Lefty tactics, right? Straight out of the Alinsky manual? Imagine if the Right adopted them.

    Pay some off-ramp panhandlers $50 to picket her parent’s house waving “Haters Live Here” signs. Send her booking photo to every non-profit corporation in town saying “If you employ this suspected criminal, we’ll warn your donors how you spend their money on Hatred.” Find Jewish students to file complaints that her actions made them feel “unsafe” and demand she be expelled. Type up “Minnesota Holocaust” letterhead claiming to be a grassroots organization fighting to prevent the slaughter of Jews in Minnesota, demand the legislature ban “Hate Speech” against all things Jewish including the State of Israel. And, of course, blast broadcast each action on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.

    Imagine the media firestorm of outrage when the tactics are turned against one of their own.

  3. The Washington Post and Times of Israel reported the little fascists, but the Red Star and St Paul PP failed to report. MN Daily had a story. Interesting reading the comments. The Israel haters are loony, while the commentators who support the Jewish state’s right to exist tried their best to educate the lefties.

    So my question is, as a someone who has a small amount of Prussian in my, can I shout down anyone from Poland who tries to speak in Minnesota? End the occupation of East Prussia!!

  4. From the Times of Israel.

    “The JCRC will not stand idly by as professors and/or students are intimidated and isolated by those who seek the destruction of the State of Israel,” he added. “For example, the chilling chants which we were subjected to yesterday, ‘From Sea to Sea, Palestine will be free,’ mean nothing less than the murder or expulsion of over 6 million Jews from Israel.”

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