
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Attack a pastor during Sunday worship service and get shot . . . by the pastor?

Gives new meaning to the phrase “The way to stop a Bad Man with a gun is a Good Man with a gun.”

The police are trying to decide whether to charge the pastor for violating the Gun Free Zone (Michigan law doesn’t allow guns in church).

Save a pile of lives, go to jail?

Joe Doakes

It’s one of the ugly conundra of self defense; no matter how, er, righteous the shooting, you’re only as safe as the most zealous prosecutor is in the mood to let you be.

3 thoughts on “Righteous

  1. On the other hand, there are times when the judge gets it right and hands the prosecutor walking papers. That guy who took birdshot to the drone hovering at tree-height over his backyard? The judge dismissed the charges. The drone operator isn’t happy, but the eyewitnesses testified the drone was hovering below tree-top height for the 3rd time that day, and I tend to believe them since if the drone operator were telling the truth and the drone was at 200′ then #8 birdshot shouldn’t have done a thing to the drone (that’s well beyond the range for clay breakage of roughly 120′ for #8).

  2. Might or might not have become a mass incident; other reports suggest that the deceased believed the pastor had been having sex with the girlfriend (wife?) of the deceased. If there is anything to it, this one is a mess.

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