Cut The Man Some Slack

Glen Beck and Joe Scarborough have taken an inventory of Barack Obama’s first 100 Days:


Jeepers guys, give the man a break – what do you expect?

Barack Obama was elected to an office he was completely unprepared for, completely unqualified for, lacked any relevant experience, was elected on a platform of empty promises, many of which he has no intention or capacity to keep, and has had to go to the second or third choice in many cases in his selection of his cabinet because many prominent Democrats apparently want to keep their resume clear of any mention of The Obama Administration.

Not to mention the fact that working with Hilary can’t be that much fun – she’s not always out of the country you know, and Al Sharpton keeps getting Obama’s Blackberry address and the Secret Service can’t change the number fast enough.

Plus, I think I may have heard that the Obama’s recently got a new dog, and that can be quite disrupting to any American family.

Glen and Joe just need to set their sights a little lower.

15 thoughts on “Cut The Man Some Slack

  1. If you didn’t lead the post with “Glen Beck and Joe Scarborough,” you might actually have tricked Angryclown into taking a look, Johnny Doosh. (Repackaging FAUX News is the best you’ve got? “We report, Roosh repeats.”)

    You continually reconfirm Angryclown in his opinion that it’s time for your internship with SitD to come to an end. Once upon a time, some of the fans of this blog came for coverage of Minnesota local political scene, insight into the local radio industry and Mitch’s wacky, yet often thoughtful, political opinions. You offer none of those things. What do you bring to SitD, other than red meat for your ever-shrinking corner of the wingnutosphere?

    Worse, Angryclown suspects it may be your influence that is turning Mitch into yet another tedious online shill for orthodox Republicanism.

    Of course it may be that Angryclown blames you unfairly, JRoosh. Perhaps the as-yet undisclosed source of SitD’s funding is the major influence behind Mitch’s caution and self-censorship. (Some exceptions: posts discussing far-right ideas and punk rock with equal aplomb, the glorification of all things Norwegian, nterests ranging from 19th century fiction to Turkish politics.)

    Maybe it’s just a coincidence that the decline in SitD coincides with Mitch signing on an intellectual hack (with enough talent to deploy the occasional rhetorical sparkle, which Angryclown acknowledges.) Then again, maybe Yoko didn’t really break up the Beatles. Does it matter?

    For the moment, at least, Angryclown is praying to his Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ(TM) that Mitch rediscovers his balls and gives you your walking papers.

  2. Calling it “FAUX News” is the best you got? If you hadn’t led with that cliche I might have read your whole comment.

  3. Clown, when the mistakes are actually tabulated there ARE 100 of them. You shouldn’t be surprised, Obama has been busy trying to remake reality into his own utopian visions, and it isn’t working, can’t work, won’t work, and shouldn’t be allowed to work. I started out expecting that everything Obama did would be wrong. So far, I haven’t been disappointed, just surprised at the speed.

  4. I’m still waiting for Angry Clown to explain what Obama has done that qualifies him to be President.
    So far his answers have been the pedantic “He’s 35 years old and a citizen!”, the Tautological “He won!”, and the ridiculous “He was the chief editor of Harvard Law Review!”.

  5. How do you rate, Angry? Where is your blog that we may see your infinite wisdom and blogging ability? Where are your credentials as a moderate or non-partisan that you can reasonably criticize someone for being partisan?

    Angry is a perfect microcosm of the Barack Obama phenomenon. Good at turning a pretty phrase in criticism of ‘the man’, somewhat eloquent at raging at the machine, yet entirely devoid of his own ability to lead others or provide commentary for others to read. He offers no ideas of his own other than anti-whatever conservatives or Republicans suggest.

    Perhaps Angryclown’s internship as a commenter is what needs to end.

  6. They’re judging by the wrong yardstick.

    He was elected because he was an “articulate” (thanks, Joe) Black man.

    He still is. At least, when he has his teleprompter with him.

    So, 100 days, 100 teleprompter speeches, you got exactly what you voted for.

    100 successes!

  7. Q: What’s long and hard on a President?

    A: The first 100 days

    Thank you, thank you. Be sure to tip the wait staff. Try the veal. I’ll be here all week.

  8. Angryclown has no desire to lead you kooks, Dave Thul. The fact that you wackos always seem to be charging off cliffs long ago convinced Angryclown that the best strategy is to remain behind and contribute the occasional well-placed shove.

  9. “Repackaging FAUX News is the best you’ve got? ”

    Repeating asinine taunts made popular by mouth breathing dolts is the best you’ve got?

    You used to be an amusingly witty moonbat assnozzle, AC. But lately your just another run of the mill lefty dipshit. You’re going to have to improve the quality of your taunts, or you risk a Swiftee shunning.

    You want to sit in the corner with teh peevee? Your call.

  10. “But lately your just another run of the mill lefty dipshit. ”

    I noticed that too. It’s as if he’s just phoning it in (300 baud phone modem).

  11. Oh dear, Angryclown no longer amuses Shiftee. I guess he’ll have to go back to hanging out behind the hospital and dumpster-diving “interesting” medical waste.

  12. Fine; knock yourself out.

    But before you take a flying leap, have a care for those used needles, meatwad. I’m guessing there’s some nasty virus out there somewhere that you’re not already carrying.

    BTW. You really think AC Jr. is ready to take the sphincter polishing business on all by himself, or will you be “tossing” part time to keep your head in?

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