Leading By Example

A New Jersey cop responds to a citizen’s allegations about his First and Fourth Amendment rights being violated:

“I’ve made you objections (sic) about what’s going on at the shelter over there,” [an animal rights activist] told the cop. “My 1st and 4th Amendment rights were violated – my civil rights were violated…”
The Helmetta police officer replied, “Obama just decimated the freakin’ Constitution, so I don’t give a damn. If he doesn’t follow the Constitution, we don’t have to.”

Just a crabby cop having a bad day and picking a lame excuse?


But our founding fathers understood better than our generation does that freedom only survives when “the authorities” respect the idea. 

And to too many of them, it’s just not there. 

Remember when Obama’s purported skills as a “constitutional law professor” were supposedly an asset?

6 thoughts on “Leading By Example

  1. No need to argue with the officer, just make an issue of it at the next City Council meeting and ask why someone violating his oath to uphold the Constitution is still employed there.

  2. Bike,

    Because you run the risk of the City Council going “Hey! Everybody’s doing it! It’s our turn to run roughshod over the peasants, too!”

  3. Well, yes, and then it’s “roll tape” come election season. I sent a note to the chief of police, who is evidently investigating this, to his credit.

  4. Just curious why was this left winger mad at an animal shelter? I mean it sounds like the shelter had rights which the cop was saying he couldn’t do anything about and it got lost with the cop complaining about how Obama breaks rules when he can’t.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

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