
Now, I’ve never been much for bashing on people who are different than me.

Gays, in particular.  While I am a committed straight breeder, bashing on gays for their orientation has never really interested me.

And when the whole genre of gay-baiting humor, to say nothing of hatred, went out of style (except in the world of all those democrats who produce hip-hop, naturally), I breathed a muted sigh of relief.

So we’re all good.

Now, gay movement; could you please see to these hatemongers?  Before someone gets pissed and starts putting on “Pranciest Fairy” contests again?

Because “H8” really does cut both ways.


14 thoughts on “NoH8!

  1. On the other hand, after decades of PC fascism, it’s somehow comforting to see people embracing their hate.

    Those degenerates aren’t stooping to twisting Christ’s message to accommodate their mental derangement, they’re indulging their perversion by crucifying Him again.

  2. Maybe on MLK day they can go in black face and eat watermelon.
    Just as bad…last week Atheists in Madison Wisc put up a sign on the state capital grounds attacking Chrisitianity.

    I am not sure what is worse, that bigots like this exist in San Fran and Madison, or that this is not news. Imagine if it were right wingers showing bigoted hate. It would be in every newspaper in the country. But anti-Christian hatred is just shrugged off.

  3. So I guess the coast is clear for the MFC to hold a “Prance Like Liberace” pageant, then?

    And Emery – heh. I gotta use that.

  4. Personally, I’m glad that the Gate does this. It lets the world know that there is something very, very different about these people.

  5. If you’re interested in witnessing real H8 from the Left, go onto Twitter and suggest atheism is a religion. Wear a helmet.

  6. Big S….Atheism is a religion. And along with radical Isalm, it is one of only 2 relgions whose dogma calls for the extermination of all other religions.

    And it is very evangilical. Think about how many times you have been prophesized to by Atheists trying to convert you.

  7. For what it is worth, here is what the APA says about homosexuality:

    There is no consensus among scientists
    about the exact reasons that an individual
    develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or
    lesbian orientation. Although much research
    has examined the possible genetic, hormonal,
    developmental, social, and cultural influences
    on sexual orientation, no findings have
    emerged that permit scientists to conclude
    that sexual orientation is determined by any
    particular factor or factors. Many think that
    nature and nurture both play complex roles;
    most people experience little or no sense of
    choice about their sexual orientation.

    Note it does not say that homosexuals are “born that way”.
    The entire APA discussion of sexual orientation is surreal. It is described only in terms of social behavior, not biology. Current APA belief is that behavior can be changed, and in many cases should be changed for the health of an individual or society. It’s a funny use of language to invent a special thing called an “orientation” that is a behavior, yet not a behavior.

  8. The atheists on Twitter don’t evangelize. They crucify. If you don’t buy their dogma, you’re dogmeat.

  9. PHM: Two editions of the DSM ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder. When that was done away with I think they had to do something.

    They also classify a disorder called body dismorphic disorder (BDD)), in which a person has an irrational dislike of their body or other physical characteristics. I have yet to hear a rational differentiation of BDD and gender identity conflicts, specifically sex-changing behavior; woman in a man’s body, etc. Probably too hot to handle …

    Another example of questionable pro-homosexual activity is what I’ve seen of the “Pride” parade in MPLS. If we are to define homosexuals by that event, we must assume that they are over-sexed, vulgar, scary people. Hardly the family-friendly, Glee-like image you’d think they would want to project.

    Liberace? What did he have to do with homosexuality?

  10. Poor “Emery”. His cut and paste comment generator has run full bore into Swiftee with time on his hands. Two comments torpedoed in two days. A new record.
    TreeTopLevel and Kurt Lessing. Remember when it was just Doug Grow being quoted without attribution?

  11. Joe-
    The DSM was changed by a vote. The underlying reasons why homosexuality was considered a disorder did not change. Then, and now, it correlates with several pathologies (higher incidence of drug and alcohol abuse, shorter life span, etc.). The psychologists who determined that homosexuality was a disorder were not prudes and were not driven by religious teaching.
    Personally, I consider the APA to be a bunch of witch doctors. This was as true in the 1960s as it was in the 1980s, or today. I am sure some of their work has value, but like any of the other humanities, it is often used to turn the bien-pensant beliefs of the bourgeois into “fact”.

  12. I will be looking forward to seeing the results when these guys do a “hunky Mohammed” contest during Ramadan this year, complete with pork chops and whisky.

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